Friday, May 29, 2009
HaHa..I wake up in the morning i thought today is saturday.. I got out from my bed and go to the living room and do homework.. Do finish the maths paper one and then i go bathe.. In the bathroom, i fall down!!!!! So DAO MEI!!!!!!! Then i watch cartoon til 10 and i went to open computer... I thought morning only a little people on9...But to my astonish. .... More then six people on9!!!! i thought darrell, sheryl and jing hao very late then on9 but they were early.....I log in to lead and do the work... 18 WORK TO DO!!!!!!!! Do finish my mum drag me out of the room and go to IMM GAINT..... She buy so many things.... Siao... i only buy SUSHI!!! YUMMY!!!!:D
Next week 8th may going to indonesia!!! I miss my hair... Cause my mother force me to cut my hair like sheryl's..... but i still will look the same... But very weird lah... I wanted to colour my hair to light brown..... MR LEE HIS HAIR GO HIGHLIGHT TO RED!!!!!!! We laugh until siao..... I scared when i cut my hair le then i come back hor... when the school re-open, i scared they laugh me ... i cut my hair like very nerd one... REally very scared
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I HATE DARRYL NG YONG HAN!!!!!!!yan ling cry because of him!!!!!!! i hate him!!!!!!!!!!! he is getting very very very rude le....
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Yan Ling so sad.... Darryl very bad.. yan ling say darryl lie her that he like her... i wish to help her..... but i duno how... i saw she sad i also sad... she been sad for a while le..... i hope she can be like last time.. very happy one...
Wah......... So Busy........ At 7.30..
My class is supose to go to computer lab.... but because of the programmme.... hai dao our class tomorrow then go....
At 8.30
6D,6E and 6F go to AVA room 2 and do the science thing........
At 8.45..
My class go to the Hall.. My class sit at the front.. then followed by 6D then 6F and so on....
the talk continue until 9.55 our recess...
At 9.55..
Puteri say she very urgent ... then i accompany her to the toilet..... then we both run back to hall to take our things... we run like hell sia.......
At 10.30..
Mrs Tan took us back to classroom... She tell us dat next week monday, tuesday and wednesday going back for supp..... then kenneth say hah very loud......
I so happy now... cause next week i go indonesia for holiday and then play with my cousins!!!!!
Too excited!!!!
Mrs tan also give back our report book!!!.... My overrall marks get 222/400.. i Improve le!!!!!! last time i get 216/400..... Yahooooo!!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
so unlucky sia
Waste time la...... Assembly so waste time.... Waste our one period of english......... I today so happy.. Mr lee give us the maths test .. i score 15/20...... so happy sia......... ITS TOO OVER THE MOON!!!!!!!! Tomorrow going computer lab!!! YA HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
This swallow had a speccial feature..... her special feature is singing..... she sing very nice and everytime she starts singing all the male swallows will come and watch her and also admire her beauty... She lost her parents while she was young.... She manage to overcome all those circumstances .... She was being bully by the kids who was naughty..... But in order to survive well , she went on and went on..... I was trying to tell all of you that... Please do not judge a person by the looks..... A person's look may tell you a bad thing but the truth is that it is telling you the good thing..... Maybe you see the person is ugly... but in the person's heart, she is kind and generous........
Friday, May 22, 2009
hahaha so funny and unlucky day
9.00a.m.-Mr lee took us to the Computer lab...Then he ask us to on the computer to do the Social Studies Project...... Me, Adara , Shu Zhen, Wei Zheng , Puteri and Yan Ling do finish the project already so we can do anything we want......I do nothing but reading storybooks.... Den after dat i go to Lay Siong n Bing Han's Table and watch them do the project....
Wei Zheng and me go to Mr Lee's table.... we both take out our phone but teacher never scold us... Den i tell teacher to go to my blog.... he go see.... then go to Class Blog then he saw Adara's post ..... We laugh until mad sia....
We went back to the Computer lab again.... Darrell was punish by his teacher... Den we go back to our classroom... To our Surprise , we found our things were missing!!!! Adara's things were missing... My black pen was missing ... Puteri's things also missing..... OH MY GOD!! Mrs Tan took half an hour to investigate this things then Mr Chin also say dat many of the class people also lost their things... The teachers suspect dat got somebody at recess time go back to the classroom and took it......
Finally its Mother Tougue!!! But i am very sad course my pen was missing.... Then me and Shu Zhen go to 4th floor then go back to 3rd floor....... She go back to class room 1st as she walk fast ..... i walk slow... then darrell come out of the classroom .... i walk past Mrs Tan.... Then darrell ask me ' Ren Jie bully you are?' i say no.... i told him dat my pen missing.... i was not happy..... Den He hug me........
I went to Miss Tan's office because i want to borrow books from her.... then i run to 3rd floor and i saw darrell....
MR Lee took us to Computer lab again..... But dis time is goin for the survey......
and now i am here blogging......
Bye byes!!!!! ^^
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I so happy!!!!!!! Maths - 33/100
SCience - 53/100
Chinese - 75/100
English - 61/100
Yea!!!!!! All improve but only for science!!!!! i must work more harder for my chinese in order to get 80/100!!! science i going to work harder to get 60/100 .... english i am also going to work harder to get 70/100.... as for maths work until 55/100...... i want all past then can le......
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
WoW!!!....My exmas results come out le.........Maths: 33/100
Science: 53/100
All improve but only my science never improve........... maths improve by 1 mark, english improve by 2 marks and chinese improve by 5 marks..... but my science deprove by 2 marks.... From now onwards i will try to concentrade on the subject that i am worse in it........... i must past my maths next exam!!!! IT IS A MUST!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Ya!!!! I Come back again but i will still be back couse i want to write my results.....
Sakura!!!!!! my friend's favourite cartoon character!!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
This 4 boys are korea F4..... they are so cool!!!!!! Rocks.....The 1st boy on the left hand is Goo Joon Pyo... He is the leader of the 4 of them.... THe next standing next to him is Yoon Ji Hoo... He is the prince...... The 3rd one is So Yi Jung.... He is a player with all girls.....the last one is Song Woo Bin..... He is the fighter.... but these nick (that are prince bla bla bla) are describing them in the show boys before flowers every saturday at 9.30 pm....... very funny........ i like to see the show!!!!!!!!! they are so cool and shuai!!!!!! yea!!!!!!
I am so boring!!!!!!!!!!!! ...... i want to go back to school......... stay at home ........ i lazy to go out and also lazy to call..................... i want to back to school......... sianzzzzzzz........
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Yesterday Darrell frighten me....... After school i was talking to shu zhen and christine he suddenly hug me...... ^^.......
Monday, May 11, 2009

Jarod wear spec very funny.... he never wear... he very cute^^ hehehehe
So Fun!!!!
Today i go tuition at 12.30....... i chat with my friends shapey,clara and perlina while waiting for the door to open........... when the door open we rush in.... den at 1.30 dat stupid kenneth go hahahaha for nothing!!!!! he mad sia.......... den when i come back, me and my sister go to woodlands causeway point and sent my phone to repair..... when i came back i change my card to another phone......... then we went to sheng siong supermarket to buy red wine and chamgphane to drink for today's party... we are so happy..............
Haha!!!!! This is my cousin brother he look so nerd one!!!!!! so funny.............Sianzzzzz today still nnid to go tuition.......wish can dun go.................the guy on my bad i hao ming my small cousin bro... he P5....... the one lokin at the com is my big cousin hao wei..........
very funny... one on my bad playin the other look like nerd ...... haha but both of them study very goood everytime get high marks make me lost to them.................but i like hao wei b4 .....Now he very rude!!!! i dun like him.... i never even talk to him.... he so bad sia.......i later got come back and post so c you guys later byebye......
Sunday, May 10, 2009
i wake up in the morning at 5.10am..... Too early.... but i promised my mum and dad that i will go out with them and eat breakfast together..... acctually we are going to eat dian xin but then my father change his mind saying go eat fish porriage!!!! I was so angry..... the purpose of eating the porriage is to pack for my aunts , uncles and cousins!!!! Spent a little expensive with us will say waste money!!! spent many money on them will not say waste!!!! they don't have hands to cook or buy their own meh need you buy for them meh? so busybody!!! like you are their maid like that........ I hate youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!So bad... better dun get angry because later i die die le..... My mum also angry with my father...... My mother's sister's kids jump in the car , he scold......... his sister's kids jump in the car will not scold..... he is so pian xin!!!! Not Fair!!!! promise someone Still break the promise!!!!!!! never buy breakfast for my sister only care for his people one...... just now he call us then i say i very full liao la........... Angry until full angry!!!!!!! i Hate Hate Hate My Father!!!!!!!!! Promise me to treat me and mama eat dian xin became porriage!!! NEXT TIME DON'T GO OUT WITH HIM LIAO LAH!!!!!EVERYTIME LIKE THAT ONE!!!!
On Friday,Me, Darrell,Darryl,Puteri and ShuZhen went to library together.....I ws at Puteri's house then i sms Darrell askin him wan 2 go to puteri's house anot then he say okay..... i dun no who he bringin but i no he got bring a friend........ When he have not reach puteri's house yet, Puteri plan to use the plastic bag to fill some water then when they reach, she use the plastic and throw them..... then they come.... Puteri go open the door and then use the plastic and throw darryl.... i thought is Bruce goin but then when darryl come into the house i then know that it was darryl....... i told them thank goodness Yan ling never go otherwise she will surely run until nowhere............ It was Shu Zhen's birthday so we go......... i lie to my mother again.......i hope that i can don't lie to my mum but i scared she don't let me go with my friends...............when i was at Puteri's house changing, Shu Zhen took a photo of Darrell and Darryl......See how cute is Darryl....... Darrell look very shy............One look at the camera the other look away........Darryl crazy already..... tied a rubber band on his hair............Today is mother's day...... Wishing the whole world's mother a happy mother's day..... byezzzzzz
Happy Mother's Day
I Would LIke To Wish AlL ThE MoThErS In ThE WoRlD A HaPpY MoThEr'S dAy!!!!!!!!! MoThEr DaY MuSt Be GoOd To YoUr MoThErs NoT RuDe.....If YoU Be RuDe Or SlAp YoUr MoThER On MoThEr'S DaY, I WiLl KiLl YoU.....Jkjkjkjkjkjkjk......HaHaXzzzzzzzz...............ByEbYe
Friday, May 29, 2009
HaHa..I wake up in the morning i thought today is saturday.. I got out from my bed and go to the living room and do homework.. Do finish the maths paper one and then i go bathe.. In the bathroom, i fall down!!!!! So DAO MEI!!!!!!! Then i watch cartoon til 10 and i went to open computer... I thought morning only a little people on9...But to my astonish. .... More then six people on9!!!! i thought darrell, sheryl and jing hao very late then on9 but they were early.....I log in to lead and do the work... 18 WORK TO DO!!!!!!!! Do finish my mum drag me out of the room and go to IMM GAINT..... She buy so many things.... Siao... i only buy SUSHI!!! YUMMY!!!!:D
Next week 8th may going to indonesia!!! I miss my hair... Cause my mother force me to cut my hair like sheryl's..... but i still will look the same... But very weird lah... I wanted to colour my hair to light brown..... MR LEE HIS HAIR GO HIGHLIGHT TO RED!!!!!!! We laugh until siao..... I scared when i cut my hair le then i come back hor... when the school re-open, i scared they laugh me ... i cut my hair like very nerd one... REally very scared
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I HATE DARRYL NG YONG HAN!!!!!!!yan ling cry because of him!!!!!!! i hate him!!!!!!!!!!! he is getting very very very rude le....
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Yan Ling so sad.... Darryl very bad.. yan ling say darryl lie her that he like her... i wish to help her..... but i duno how... i saw she sad i also sad... she been sad for a while le..... i hope she can be like last time.. very happy one...
Wah......... So Busy........ At 7.30..
My class is supose to go to computer lab.... but because of the programmme.... hai dao our class tomorrow then go....
At 8.30
6D,6E and 6F go to AVA room 2 and do the science thing........
At 8.45..
My class go to the Hall.. My class sit at the front.. then followed by 6D then 6F and so on....
the talk continue until 9.55 our recess...
At 9.55..
Puteri say she very urgent ... then i accompany her to the toilet..... then we both run back to hall to take our things... we run like hell sia.......
At 10.30..
Mrs Tan took us back to classroom... She tell us dat next week monday, tuesday and wednesday going back for supp..... then kenneth say hah very loud......
I so happy now... cause next week i go indonesia for holiday and then play with my cousins!!!!!
Too excited!!!!
Mrs tan also give back our report book!!!.... My overrall marks get 222/400.. i Improve le!!!!!! last time i get 216/400..... Yahooooo!!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
so unlucky sia
Waste time la...... Assembly so waste time.... Waste our one period of english......... I today so happy.. Mr lee give us the maths test .. i score 15/20...... so happy sia......... ITS TOO OVER THE MOON!!!!!!!! Tomorrow going computer lab!!! YA HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
This swallow had a speccial feature..... her special feature is singing..... she sing very nice and everytime she starts singing all the male swallows will come and watch her and also admire her beauty... She lost her parents while she was young.... She manage to overcome all those circumstances .... She was being bully by the kids who was naughty..... But in order to survive well , she went on and went on..... I was trying to tell all of you that... Please do not judge a person by the looks..... A person's look may tell you a bad thing but the truth is that it is telling you the good thing..... Maybe you see the person is ugly... but in the person's heart, she is kind and generous........
Friday, May 22, 2009
hahaha so funny and unlucky day
9.00a.m.-Mr lee took us to the Computer lab...Then he ask us to on the computer to do the Social Studies Project...... Me, Adara , Shu Zhen, Wei Zheng , Puteri and Yan Ling do finish the project already so we can do anything we want......I do nothing but reading storybooks.... Den after dat i go to Lay Siong n Bing Han's Table and watch them do the project....
Wei Zheng and me go to Mr Lee's table.... we both take out our phone but teacher never scold us... Den i tell teacher to go to my blog.... he go see.... then go to Class Blog then he saw Adara's post ..... We laugh until mad sia....
We went back to the Computer lab again.... Darrell was punish by his teacher... Den we go back to our classroom... To our Surprise , we found our things were missing!!!! Adara's things were missing... My black pen was missing ... Puteri's things also missing..... OH MY GOD!! Mrs Tan took half an hour to investigate this things then Mr Chin also say dat many of the class people also lost their things... The teachers suspect dat got somebody at recess time go back to the classroom and took it......
Finally its Mother Tougue!!! But i am very sad course my pen was missing.... Then me and Shu Zhen go to 4th floor then go back to 3rd floor....... She go back to class room 1st as she walk fast ..... i walk slow... then darrell come out of the classroom .... i walk past Mrs Tan.... Then darrell ask me ' Ren Jie bully you are?' i say no.... i told him dat my pen missing.... i was not happy..... Den He hug me........
I went to Miss Tan's office because i want to borrow books from her.... then i run to 3rd floor and i saw darrell....
MR Lee took us to Computer lab again..... But dis time is goin for the survey......
and now i am here blogging......
Bye byes!!!!! ^^
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I so happy!!!!!!! Maths - 33/100
SCience - 53/100
Chinese - 75/100
English - 61/100
Yea!!!!!! All improve but only for science!!!!! i must work more harder for my chinese in order to get 80/100!!! science i going to work harder to get 60/100 .... english i am also going to work harder to get 70/100.... as for maths work until 55/100...... i want all past then can le......
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
WoW!!!....My exmas results come out le.........Maths: 33/100
Science: 53/100
All improve but only my science never improve........... maths improve by 1 mark, english improve by 2 marks and chinese improve by 5 marks..... but my science deprove by 2 marks.... From now onwards i will try to concentrade on the subject that i am worse in it........... i must past my maths next exam!!!! IT IS A MUST!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Ya!!!! I Come back again but i will still be back couse i want to write my results.....
Sakura!!!!!! my friend's favourite cartoon character!!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
This 4 boys are korea F4..... they are so cool!!!!!! Rocks.....The 1st boy on the left hand is Goo Joon Pyo... He is the leader of the 4 of them.... THe next standing next to him is Yoon Ji Hoo... He is the prince...... The 3rd one is So Yi Jung.... He is a player with all girls.....the last one is Song Woo Bin..... He is the fighter.... but these nick (that are prince bla bla bla) are describing them in the show boys before flowers every saturday at 9.30 pm....... very funny........ i like to see the show!!!!!!!!! they are so cool and shuai!!!!!! yea!!!!!!
I am so boring!!!!!!!!!!!! ...... i want to go back to school......... stay at home ........ i lazy to go out and also lazy to call..................... i want to back to school......... sianzzzzzzz........
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Yesterday Darrell frighten me....... After school i was talking to shu zhen and christine he suddenly hug me...... ^^.......
Monday, May 11, 2009

Jarod wear spec very funny.... he never wear... he very cute^^ hehehehe
So Fun!!!!
Today i go tuition at 12.30....... i chat with my friends shapey,clara and perlina while waiting for the door to open........... when the door open we rush in.... den at 1.30 dat stupid kenneth go hahahaha for nothing!!!!! he mad sia.......... den when i come back, me and my sister go to woodlands causeway point and sent my phone to repair..... when i came back i change my card to another phone......... then we went to sheng siong supermarket to buy red wine and chamgphane to drink for today's party... we are so happy..............
Haha!!!!! This is my cousin brother he look so nerd one!!!!!! so funny.............Sianzzzzz today still nnid to go tuition.......wish can dun go.................the guy on my bad i hao ming my small cousin bro... he P5....... the one lokin at the com is my big cousin hao wei..........
very funny... one on my bad playin the other look like nerd ...... haha but both of them study very goood everytime get high marks make me lost to them.................but i like hao wei b4 .....Now he very rude!!!! i dun like him.... i never even talk to him.... he so bad sia.......i later got come back and post so c you guys later byebye......
Sunday, May 10, 2009
i wake up in the morning at 5.10am..... Too early.... but i promised my mum and dad that i will go out with them and eat breakfast together..... acctually we are going to eat dian xin but then my father change his mind saying go eat fish porriage!!!! I was so angry..... the purpose of eating the porriage is to pack for my aunts , uncles and cousins!!!! Spent a little expensive with us will say waste money!!! spent many money on them will not say waste!!!! they don't have hands to cook or buy their own meh need you buy for them meh? so busybody!!! like you are their maid like that........ I hate youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!So bad... better dun get angry because later i die die le..... My mum also angry with my father...... My mother's sister's kids jump in the car , he scold......... his sister's kids jump in the car will not scold..... he is so pian xin!!!! Not Fair!!!! promise someone Still break the promise!!!!!!! never buy breakfast for my sister only care for his people one...... just now he call us then i say i very full liao la........... Angry until full angry!!!!!!! i Hate Hate Hate My Father!!!!!!!!! Promise me to treat me and mama eat dian xin became porriage!!! NEXT TIME DON'T GO OUT WITH HIM LIAO LAH!!!!!EVERYTIME LIKE THAT ONE!!!!
On Friday,Me, Darrell,Darryl,Puteri and ShuZhen went to library together.....I ws at Puteri's house then i sms Darrell askin him wan 2 go to puteri's house anot then he say okay..... i dun no who he bringin but i no he got bring a friend........ When he have not reach puteri's house yet, Puteri plan to use the plastic bag to fill some water then when they reach, she use the plastic and throw them..... then they come.... Puteri go open the door and then use the plastic and throw darryl.... i thought is Bruce goin but then when darryl come into the house i then know that it was darryl....... i told them thank goodness Yan ling never go otherwise she will surely run until nowhere............ It was Shu Zhen's birthday so we go......... i lie to my mother again.......i hope that i can don't lie to my mum but i scared she don't let me go with my friends...............when i was at Puteri's house changing, Shu Zhen took a photo of Darrell and Darryl......See how cute is Darryl....... Darrell look very shy............One look at the camera the other look away........Darryl crazy already..... tied a rubber band on his hair............Today is mother's day...... Wishing the whole world's mother a happy mother's day..... byezzzzzz
Happy Mother's Day
I Would LIke To Wish AlL ThE MoThErS In ThE WoRlD A HaPpY MoThEr'S dAy!!!!!!!!! MoThEr DaY MuSt Be GoOd To YoUr MoThErs NoT RuDe.....If YoU Be RuDe Or SlAp YoUr MoThER On MoThEr'S DaY, I WiLl KiLl YoU.....Jkjkjkjkjkjkjk......HaHaXzzzzzzzz...............ByEbYe
Site Mistress
YuTing HeartsKpops
[[ 28 May 2010 ]]
Hey! Im
Ng Yu Ting. Born at
16th January 1997. From
Singapore and studying at
Peirce Secondary School. Im hyperactive and cheerful at all times . I love my parents as much as I love my
friends .
I might go mad if ue provoke me too much . I <3 Korea , TaiWan , Japan and New York . I love to listen to music and watch my favourite shows . I <3 my parents , love ones , gans and best friends . My favourites Korea
Kpops is UKISS & others . Favourite member is Shin DongHo , KimHyunJoong , YangYoseob & more . I love going to school because I can crack jokes and have fun with my dearest friends .
School rocks !.
And dont RACISTS people in my
dearest blog. Cause I dont like it .<3
1 . Have perfect peace in class .
2 . No quarreling .
3 . Go Korea .
4 . To see UKISS , KimHyunJoong & KPOP groups (:
Loves & Hates
♥ Gans
♥ Friends
♥ UKISS , SS501 & MORE
♥ Music , Reading
X Quarreling
X Betrayers
X Liars .