Friday, October 30, 2009
I thought that my family was a happy one. But yesterday, it turn out to be an answer no. I wonder where did it gone wrong. But i knew the problem lies with my dad. But i dont wanna care about him. Was it a good question? i think no. And i really really really dont wanna talk to him. But i cannot everyday handle like that. But i think this time round, I am not going to let bygones by bygones. I will handle it as what i had treated my enermy. But i hope it was not too bad. So i am gonna stop here. But i will tell ue this. I will followed his steps. Otherwise people will start to hate me. So i will not.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
This morning, the whole P6 pupils went to MayFlower Secondary School for their Open House. We walked all the way there. The school is terrific. Got air-condition one. So good. I will put that school in my second choice. If i cannot get in Ang Mo Kio Secondary, I will have to get in to MayFlower. We went there and did alot of things. Quite nice de. The school as i said. Not bad. And I saw some of my friends there too. Tomorrow going swimming again. Not sure can swim anot. Cause i scared i come the m. If i never come m then i can swim til crazy. But Mrs Tan wants us to tie our hair during swimming lessons. So i tomorrow gonna tie my hair. Otherwise I will surely got scolding or nag too. And todae was not so fun. But while me and adara was on the way to the secondary school, I told adara to not read storybook while walking for climbing the stairs. But she did not heed my advice. So her shoulder knock to the metal. And the mentor say something very funny but i forget lerhs. But while on the way there too, I keep on joking with the mentor and adara. They really laugh sia. And in the secondary school, the friends of mentors' were standing in front of us. and guess what. Mentor say something very funny. Then i say not funny at all he say back if not funny why i laugh. then his friend say between the both of them who more cute. I laugh sia. Where on earth got people say he ownself cute derhs. So bu yao lian lorhs. Well, I will stop here. So i will still blog tomorrow. ByeByes.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Who or what am i living with? I dont noe. It was like everything in my house all mess up. Everyone change. My dad? Dont bother about him. I think its time to talk to him. I dont cared whether he listen anot. But i just wanna tell him my feelings. Ai yarhs. Dont cared bout him larhs. Well lets talk bout todae.
mmm. we go swimming todae. The coach's name is Ron. He quite okay okay derhs. But i dont quite understand wad he says. But i will try my best. So byebyes.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Hey guys! Well. Let my tell ue wad happen todae...
Its the first drumming lesson that our class is having. It was quite fun. And we all enjoy ourselves. Tomorrow we will be having swimming lessons. Nice. Me and Adara together partner. But i am now very bored but never minds. I dont mind cause i now go to youtube listening to songs. ByeByes everyone. Tomorrow i will tell ue too.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wad a bad day today? This morning at about 10 plus am, ang mo kio blk 222 the second last floor on fire. Thick smoke was running out of the house. Luckily, Mrs Tan called the fire fighter(or wadever thing larhs) to go to there. Wow! Got many students go to the net ball court there watch wad was hapening. Me, Weizheng, Puteri go there busybody. Hahas. But it was very bad. Besides, attending Mr Lee's class was not so fun anymore. We cannot shout or whatever shit we want with our mouth cause the lower primary pupils are starting their examinations from today onwards. How i wish all the pupil's examinations were over. So that we all can play whatever we wanna do. Good. Well. Staying at home is so bored after all. How i wish i can go to my cousin's house and play but they are still having examinations. *sigh* Still need to wait for them to finish everything. So KNS. Well, how i hope Mr Lee will not be so serious. Last time we finish everything by time. But now. Mr Lee so chong derhs lorhs. But i wanna say is that. My class was everytime noisy derhs. No wonder all the teachers have bad impression with our class. Our class is the noisest class after all. Cant type anymore. I am getting tired. ByeByes.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
tomorrow going to school lerhs. But i still wish holiday faster come so that i can play til mad liaos. Btw, i gotta go now. byebyes
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Great! later my mum and i will be going to my cousin's house there! Good. like that i will still be a little bit bored larhs but never mind. sorry yesterday not enough time to post so today post lorhs. Tomorrow my dad will not be home. Like that he will not nag liao lorhs. Good. So i need to go now. ByeByes.
*Apologise for the date to be late. The actual date should be 24 october 2009.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Does this puppy looks cute? I love it! My favourite dog. But my cousin have it. So he gave me this pic. Really looks like him. From tomorrow onwards i will be very very very busy!! No time to talk cause i need to research on my homework! Bye Guys!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Holiday of this week has been past by two days. I am so bored. But i can still watch television or take a nap. Or i can even go out to play with my cousins. But i am still very bored T.T. Forget it. Whatever it is. I need to go and have my lunch. ByeByes.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Erm. Hi guys. Is it a good day todae? Well I hope so. I haven had my lunch since 12 noon. after i blog this i will go eat. Yesterday was a great day but it seems like days were all passing too fast. I hope last day of school will pass very slowly. I really really hope so. But I cant change whatever things that have been destined. Maybe all of us have been thought that holidays are quite boring because we all have nothing to do. But now i have realised that even though I am bored at home, with no friends to play or chat with. But I still have my parents to talk to. Even though i dont like my father but i still can talk to my mum or watch television or even listen to songs. Btw,I have been thinking that when do i go to indonesia for a holiday to play and chit chat with my cousins or when do i returned back to singapore to have fun with my cousins too. I also hope that i can go to my dream secondary school. Now my mother is folding clothes. I feel like helping her. But i lazy to help. Cause i only know how to play, eat ,sleep,watch television only. So I tomorrow then online. Bye Byes Guys! Hope ue all have a great day today! Apologise for the days that had been mix up. It has always been like that. Hope ue guys dont blame me.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
This morning i wake up at 7.20a.m. Its very early. But my dad say wanna go out eat. So i go out lorhs. When i walk out of my house i had forgotten to bring my bus card! So i like that get scolding from my mother. But at least she gave me 55 cents to take the bus. Now my father is painting the walls in the kitchen and i dont even know where is my mother. maybe she in her bedroom or she in in the living room watching shows. But i know someone is watching korean dramas. Too bad. Tomorrow no school. So left exactly 7 days. I am now looking forward to the swimming lessons that the school has organise for us. So shy. But at least i am not going to wear those kinds of showing tummy swimming costume. But the class that i hate is going. 6B(that lim jing hao), 6C( unlucky for adara where edmund leu is there),6E(our class) and 6H( that xiao yang and even melvin heng!!) Why so unlucky. Why our class need to swim with those bad boys? So bad. But i still cannot change the principle idea. let it go. but i will not let those boys who bully me off. NEVER! Those who bully me on that day. HE MUST BE DEAD!No larhs. just joking. I know its not funny. Just forget it. Just pretend that they are dead.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
hellos. so bored lorhs. nothing to do at home. I feel going to my aunt house but my mum say cannot. BORED BORED BORED BORED. All games i play lerhs. play till sianz. I go figure wad to do. Bye guys. Mmm. Still Left 8 more days to go back to school. Hahas. Nothing better to do so i count down.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hahas. I dont have nothing to say . Anyway, Next week I dont need to go to school. But i stay at home also very boring. How i wish all the levels examination all finish then i can shout or play all i want. And i now hoping mr lee to come back to school. Thats all i have to say. ByeByes.
Thursday, October 15, 2009

The maths paper half easy half difficult. I 3 questions anyhow do. But during that time when i do finish my paper, the people in my class started to do all kinds of werid things. Bing Han keep on throwing things to Lina. Then Terry ask Lina to pass him those things that Bing Han were throwing. They both then throw towards each other. Then the next one is jeremy. He like purposely sit on the chair which is spoil derhs. Then Lay Siong just sitting beside me only i ask him to look at jeremy. Then we laugh at him. Then Bing Han very stubborn. Regardless of whther is mrs tan or that external teacher he just cannot behave himself. And that external teacher go pull his ears. Damn funny sia. Then his table and chair kanna move by the teacher. the sit facing the board. Then when the teacher is not facing him, he go use his calculator like want to smack that teacher. I go toilet at that time round. When i come out of the toilet, Hong Feng listen to music sia. And Ren Jie was the worst. He keep on getting scolding one. Mother tougue lesson cam, we watch doraemon. Good! Then, after school i stay back awhile about 1.13p.m. i go home. I walk home with Wei Zheng. I am tired. So look forward to tomorrow! Btw, does this two dogs look cute? I think it is cute. it looks like my cousin's. I miss the two dogs that are at my cousin's house. They are so cute.
Another day past. I hope Mr Lee faster go back school. Then Mrs Tan will stop teaching us lerhs. Hais. So Bored. Hope got things to do but dont have. So now i go play games liaos. ByeBye!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Hey guys! Well. Yesterday my aunt just came back from genting. and she saty here for one night. Just now when i was walking home with my FRIENDS( jian qiang and Lina) I saw them at the bus stop even my mum. They are returning to INDONESIA. SO SAD. But never mind. I will try to beg my mum to let me go to INDONESIA FOR TWO WEEKS!! JUST JOKINGS. Well. Today was half a good day and bad. Why is it good and bad? Letmy tell ue wad has happened today. But i only say out the timing. Today mr lee never go school. SO NAUGTHY!!! From 7.30a.m. to 9.55a.m.
From dat time.. Mr Lai took our class.
From 10.25 to 10.55.
Mrs Tan took our class only for that one period. cause last period she very busy.
From 10.55 to 11.55.
Miss Vanessa Tan use the two periods to let us watch doraemon.
Last period..
Dont know why
Adara go slap Kanages Face. Then dat stupid kanages go tell madam Hafizah. Both of them kanna ask to go to mr Chin there. So BAd. Then when they go, Got one kanasai teacher call wad mrs mok. I think is mop barh.. I know why her name is mok cause she enjoy moping the floor. JUST JOKINGS.
BTW, tomorrow got wad maths test. I thought they say PSLE OVER THEN NO EXAM LIAOS. Who knows still have. But i think after that then dont have le barhs. So, ByeByes. I go eat lunch!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
No school for us P6 today. But not all P6 have school larhs. Those who have higher mother tougue need go school for their exam. For those who does not have any PSLE HIGHER MOTHER TOUGUE WE CAN SAY ' PSLE IS OVER FOR US! WE CAN ENJOY OURSELVES!!!!!' And BTW. I todae going to bugis. I wanna go buy clothes de but i dont have money liao. So poor thing. JUST JOKING LARHS. Long time no post liao. But even though my blog is dead for the past few months, but my cbox is full of nonsense. XD. If it wasnt for that sheryl. my blog would have been very dead.But since she spam my blog so much. She would have been dead. JOKING. But she is my mei i would not bring her too much trouble. But she sometimes also quite poor thing de larh. Everytime in school always kanna bully by her class boys. exspecially Joel Teo Yi Jie. AiYah Forget it. ASk her to bear with it. she just dont wana listen. Too bad. Okays .I need to go now. Byes See ue guys tomorrow! HOpe Mr Lee will take my class to the computer lab. Then i can enjoy myself there!
Monday, October 12, 2009
hey! PSLE all over le. so happy that i have been bearing to play computer for 3 MONTHS!!! so bad right? but its all worth it... Bye bye gotta go!
Friday, October 30, 2009
I thought that my family was a happy one. But yesterday, it turn out to be an answer no. I wonder where did it gone wrong. But i knew the problem lies with my dad. But i dont wanna care about him. Was it a good question? i think no. And i really really really dont wanna talk to him. But i cannot everyday handle like that. But i think this time round, I am not going to let bygones by bygones. I will handle it as what i had treated my enermy. But i hope it was not too bad. So i am gonna stop here. But i will tell ue this. I will followed his steps. Otherwise people will start to hate me. So i will not.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
This morning, the whole P6 pupils went to MayFlower Secondary School for their Open House. We walked all the way there. The school is terrific. Got air-condition one. So good. I will put that school in my second choice. If i cannot get in Ang Mo Kio Secondary, I will have to get in to MayFlower. We went there and did alot of things. Quite nice de. The school as i said. Not bad. And I saw some of my friends there too. Tomorrow going swimming again. Not sure can swim anot. Cause i scared i come the m. If i never come m then i can swim til crazy. But Mrs Tan wants us to tie our hair during swimming lessons. So i tomorrow gonna tie my hair. Otherwise I will surely got scolding or nag too. And todae was not so fun. But while me and adara was on the way to the secondary school, I told adara to not read storybook while walking for climbing the stairs. But she did not heed my advice. So her shoulder knock to the metal. And the mentor say something very funny but i forget lerhs. But while on the way there too, I keep on joking with the mentor and adara. They really laugh sia. And in the secondary school, the friends of mentors' were standing in front of us. and guess what. Mentor say something very funny. Then i say not funny at all he say back if not funny why i laugh. then his friend say between the both of them who more cute. I laugh sia. Where on earth got people say he ownself cute derhs. So bu yao lian lorhs. Well, I will stop here. So i will still blog tomorrow. ByeByes.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Who or what am i living with? I dont noe. It was like everything in my house all mess up. Everyone change. My dad? Dont bother about him. I think its time to talk to him. I dont cared whether he listen anot. But i just wanna tell him my feelings. Ai yarhs. Dont cared bout him larhs. Well lets talk bout todae.
mmm. we go swimming todae. The coach's name is Ron. He quite okay okay derhs. But i dont quite understand wad he says. But i will try my best. So byebyes.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Hey guys! Well. Let my tell ue wad happen todae...
Its the first drumming lesson that our class is having. It was quite fun. And we all enjoy ourselves. Tomorrow we will be having swimming lessons. Nice. Me and Adara together partner. But i am now very bored but never minds. I dont mind cause i now go to youtube listening to songs. ByeByes everyone. Tomorrow i will tell ue too.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wad a bad day today? This morning at about 10 plus am, ang mo kio blk 222 the second last floor on fire. Thick smoke was running out of the house. Luckily, Mrs Tan called the fire fighter(or wadever thing larhs) to go to there. Wow! Got many students go to the net ball court there watch wad was hapening. Me, Weizheng, Puteri go there busybody. Hahas. But it was very bad. Besides, attending Mr Lee's class was not so fun anymore. We cannot shout or whatever shit we want with our mouth cause the lower primary pupils are starting their examinations from today onwards. How i wish all the pupil's examinations were over. So that we all can play whatever we wanna do. Good. Well. Staying at home is so bored after all. How i wish i can go to my cousin's house and play but they are still having examinations. *sigh* Still need to wait for them to finish everything. So KNS. Well, how i hope Mr Lee will not be so serious. Last time we finish everything by time. But now. Mr Lee so chong derhs lorhs. But i wanna say is that. My class was everytime noisy derhs. No wonder all the teachers have bad impression with our class. Our class is the noisest class after all. Cant type anymore. I am getting tired. ByeByes.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
tomorrow going to school lerhs. But i still wish holiday faster come so that i can play til mad liaos. Btw, i gotta go now. byebyes
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Great! later my mum and i will be going to my cousin's house there! Good. like that i will still be a little bit bored larhs but never mind. sorry yesterday not enough time to post so today post lorhs. Tomorrow my dad will not be home. Like that he will not nag liao lorhs. Good. So i need to go now. ByeByes.
*Apologise for the date to be late. The actual date should be 24 october 2009.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Does this puppy looks cute? I love it! My favourite dog. But my cousin have it. So he gave me this pic. Really looks like him. From tomorrow onwards i will be very very very busy!! No time to talk cause i need to research on my homework! Bye Guys!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Holiday of this week has been past by two days. I am so bored. But i can still watch television or take a nap. Or i can even go out to play with my cousins. But i am still very bored T.T. Forget it. Whatever it is. I need to go and have my lunch. ByeByes.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Erm. Hi guys. Is it a good day todae? Well I hope so. I haven had my lunch since 12 noon. after i blog this i will go eat. Yesterday was a great day but it seems like days were all passing too fast. I hope last day of school will pass very slowly. I really really hope so. But I cant change whatever things that have been destined. Maybe all of us have been thought that holidays are quite boring because we all have nothing to do. But now i have realised that even though I am bored at home, with no friends to play or chat with. But I still have my parents to talk to. Even though i dont like my father but i still can talk to my mum or watch television or even listen to songs. Btw,I have been thinking that when do i go to indonesia for a holiday to play and chit chat with my cousins or when do i returned back to singapore to have fun with my cousins too. I also hope that i can go to my dream secondary school. Now my mother is folding clothes. I feel like helping her. But i lazy to help. Cause i only know how to play, eat ,sleep,watch television only. So I tomorrow then online. Bye Byes Guys! Hope ue all have a great day today! Apologise for the days that had been mix up. It has always been like that. Hope ue guys dont blame me.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
This morning i wake up at 7.20a.m. Its very early. But my dad say wanna go out eat. So i go out lorhs. When i walk out of my house i had forgotten to bring my bus card! So i like that get scolding from my mother. But at least she gave me 55 cents to take the bus. Now my father is painting the walls in the kitchen and i dont even know where is my mother. maybe she in her bedroom or she in in the living room watching shows. But i know someone is watching korean dramas. Too bad. Tomorrow no school. So left exactly 7 days. I am now looking forward to the swimming lessons that the school has organise for us. So shy. But at least i am not going to wear those kinds of showing tummy swimming costume. But the class that i hate is going. 6B(that lim jing hao), 6C( unlucky for adara where edmund leu is there),6E(our class) and 6H( that xiao yang and even melvin heng!!) Why so unlucky. Why our class need to swim with those bad boys? So bad. But i still cannot change the principle idea. let it go. but i will not let those boys who bully me off. NEVER! Those who bully me on that day. HE MUST BE DEAD!No larhs. just joking. I know its not funny. Just forget it. Just pretend that they are dead.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
hellos. so bored lorhs. nothing to do at home. I feel going to my aunt house but my mum say cannot. BORED BORED BORED BORED. All games i play lerhs. play till sianz. I go figure wad to do. Bye guys. Mmm. Still Left 8 more days to go back to school. Hahas. Nothing better to do so i count down.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hahas. I dont have nothing to say . Anyway, Next week I dont need to go to school. But i stay at home also very boring. How i wish all the levels examination all finish then i can shout or play all i want. And i now hoping mr lee to come back to school. Thats all i have to say. ByeByes.
Thursday, October 15, 2009

The maths paper half easy half difficult. I 3 questions anyhow do. But during that time when i do finish my paper, the people in my class started to do all kinds of werid things. Bing Han keep on throwing things to Lina. Then Terry ask Lina to pass him those things that Bing Han were throwing. They both then throw towards each other. Then the next one is jeremy. He like purposely sit on the chair which is spoil derhs. Then Lay Siong just sitting beside me only i ask him to look at jeremy. Then we laugh at him. Then Bing Han very stubborn. Regardless of whther is mrs tan or that external teacher he just cannot behave himself. And that external teacher go pull his ears. Damn funny sia. Then his table and chair kanna move by the teacher. the sit facing the board. Then when the teacher is not facing him, he go use his calculator like want to smack that teacher. I go toilet at that time round. When i come out of the toilet, Hong Feng listen to music sia. And Ren Jie was the worst. He keep on getting scolding one. Mother tougue lesson cam, we watch doraemon. Good! Then, after school i stay back awhile about 1.13p.m. i go home. I walk home with Wei Zheng. I am tired. So look forward to tomorrow! Btw, does this two dogs look cute? I think it is cute. it looks like my cousin's. I miss the two dogs that are at my cousin's house. They are so cute.
Another day past. I hope Mr Lee faster go back school. Then Mrs Tan will stop teaching us lerhs. Hais. So Bored. Hope got things to do but dont have. So now i go play games liaos. ByeBye!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Hey guys! Well. Yesterday my aunt just came back from genting. and she saty here for one night. Just now when i was walking home with my FRIENDS( jian qiang and Lina) I saw them at the bus stop even my mum. They are returning to INDONESIA. SO SAD. But never mind. I will try to beg my mum to let me go to INDONESIA FOR TWO WEEKS!! JUST JOKINGS. Well. Today was half a good day and bad. Why is it good and bad? Letmy tell ue wad has happened today. But i only say out the timing. Today mr lee never go school. SO NAUGTHY!!! From 7.30a.m. to 9.55a.m.
From dat time.. Mr Lai took our class.
From 10.25 to 10.55.
Mrs Tan took our class only for that one period. cause last period she very busy.
From 10.55 to 11.55.
Miss Vanessa Tan use the two periods to let us watch doraemon.
Last period..
Dont know why
Adara go slap Kanages Face. Then dat stupid kanages go tell madam Hafizah. Both of them kanna ask to go to mr Chin there. So BAd. Then when they go, Got one kanasai teacher call wad mrs mok. I think is mop barh.. I know why her name is mok cause she enjoy moping the floor. JUST JOKINGS.
BTW, tomorrow got wad maths test. I thought they say PSLE OVER THEN NO EXAM LIAOS. Who knows still have. But i think after that then dont have le barhs. So, ByeByes. I go eat lunch!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
No school for us P6 today. But not all P6 have school larhs. Those who have higher mother tougue need go school for their exam. For those who does not have any PSLE HIGHER MOTHER TOUGUE WE CAN SAY ' PSLE IS OVER FOR US! WE CAN ENJOY OURSELVES!!!!!' And BTW. I todae going to bugis. I wanna go buy clothes de but i dont have money liao. So poor thing. JUST JOKING LARHS. Long time no post liao. But even though my blog is dead for the past few months, but my cbox is full of nonsense. XD. If it wasnt for that sheryl. my blog would have been very dead.But since she spam my blog so much. She would have been dead. JOKING. But she is my mei i would not bring her too much trouble. But she sometimes also quite poor thing de larh. Everytime in school always kanna bully by her class boys. exspecially Joel Teo Yi Jie. AiYah Forget it. ASk her to bear with it. she just dont wana listen. Too bad. Okays .I need to go now. Byes See ue guys tomorrow! HOpe Mr Lee will take my class to the computer lab. Then i can enjoy myself there!
Monday, October 12, 2009
hey! PSLE all over le. so happy that i have been bearing to play computer for 3 MONTHS!!! so bad right? but its all worth it... Bye bye gotta go!
Site Mistress
YuTing HeartsKpops
[[ 28 May 2010 ]]
Hey! Im
Ng Yu Ting. Born at
16th January 1997. From
Singapore and studying at
Peirce Secondary School. Im hyperactive and cheerful at all times . I love my parents as much as I love my
friends .
I might go mad if ue provoke me too much . I <3 Korea , TaiWan , Japan and New York . I love to listen to music and watch my favourite shows . I <3 my parents , love ones , gans and best friends . My favourites Korea
Kpops is UKISS & others . Favourite member is Shin DongHo , KimHyunJoong , YangYoseob & more . I love going to school because I can crack jokes and have fun with my dearest friends .
School rocks !.
And dont RACISTS people in my
dearest blog. Cause I dont like it .<3
1 . Have perfect peace in class .
2 . No quarreling .
3 . Go Korea .
4 . To see UKISS , KimHyunJoong & KPOP groups (:
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♥ UKISS , SS501 & MORE
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