Sunday, November 29, 2009
Today nothing much to say.. Its boring.. Not very boring.. But its rather boring one.. So tomorrow maybe nice to see my post then.. ByeByes mates!!
Blogged @ 1:41 PM |

Saturday, November 28, 2009
ShuZhen, WeiZheng, YanQi, PeiLin and YanLing went for the AMKSS open house.. I dont know why when they saw those guys with golden colour hair they will scream or run away.. Siao? I dont noe.. But its kind or boring.. Then suddenly saw JianQiang and his mum.. Then we all go to the Drama(CCA).. A girl ask him for his name then he said.. 'Why must I tell ue?' The girl play with him and tell the others say his name is why must i tell ue.. We all laugh.. Then.. We went to the Track & Field CCA.. Got one guy call Hua Jian larhs.. Then got another guy and two girls.. That time we were outside the room.. There got standing board jump on the floor. Then JianQiang go joke joke ( play joke) on them.. We also laugh.. He with us very funny one..
After that i went to my aunt's house there to take something.. Then I go home.. Its kinda boring like that.. Well.. Nothing else to say.. So Maybe tomorrow.. ByeByes.. :)
Blogged @ 5:56 PM |

Friday, November 27, 2009
Well all i know now is that my dad is very bad.. I told him yesterday not to nag at me.. But he still nag.. What The Hell. Say i lousy.. To Think himself very good arhs.. So good go help me get full marks larhs.. Scold liaos still dont let me eat dinner.. Still continue to say.. I know ur mouth very big.. But must eat finish then talk marhs.. KANASAI laRHS... NO MANNERS.... I HATE ....
Blogged @ 11:46 AM |

Thursday, November 26, 2009
PSLE results are out.. So ue ask am i happy or not happy? The answer is not happy.. I only 175 nia.. Like that very bad merhs? Not right? Everyone beside or in my surroundings all higher than me only wad.. Compared my results for wad? Very fun to compared merhs? My dad? I thought he would promise me that even if i scored low he wont scold me.. But instead.. He is angry.. Fuck larhs.. Why parents keep on breaking their promises? Why?Why?Why? I noe my marks is not that good. But wad can i do? I try my very very very best already.. I really really try my best in it.. But they still not happy.. My dad keep on saying that the tuition teacher he hired is very very very good. Oh bother.. What a CRAP! He dont have the rights to say that.. My mother hired the tuition teacher also very good.. But he doesnt care. What the hell. Am I that bad... I am very disapointed.... Very Very.. I hate it!!!!
Blogged @ 2:08 PM |

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Hellos.. Tomorrow going back to AMKPS to take our PSLE results.. So nervous.. ARHSSSS!! I hope all my subject can pass.. I hope i can enter AMKSS.. This i am going to be mad.. FRIENDS!!! I miss ue guys like mad!!!.. Btw, Next month I will be going to indonesia on the 9th.. So bored.. Go there make my hair come back.. Waste money.. But i go there find somebody to kill.. I hate that malay guy that was helping my aunt to work. He sucks. I never do anything wrong he keep on say me.. So KNS lorhs.. What the ****.. This was the first time i see a guy dont have manners. Unlike gentleman.. My friend said that malay guy cut his hair like Kim Hyun Joong.. So Chio liaos.. Still cut his hair.. Warh laos.. Comfirm very ugly one lorhs.. I wanna take a look at that ill-bred h=guy.. He dares say me.. I will use my hand to kill him.. Jokings.. Well.. its kinda stuffy and bored staying at home.. I wanna gout with my friends.. My ****** mother dont let.. BOOOOOO!!! BAD! *sob*sob*.. I will stop here.. ByeByes..
Sorry for the date to be slower.. Its my apology..
Blogged @ 12:53 PM |

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Hellos.. To bored? This saturday I going out with my friends.. Not counted as going out larhs.. We just go to AMKSS there since that school is having open house.. So i went there to see lorhs.. Erm.. I gotta go now.. ByeByes..
Blogged @ 1:58 PM |

Monday, November 23, 2009
I miss my friends alot.. BooHooHoo.. So wish can see them every min every sec.. But I cant.. I am so nervous now.. Because this thursday is our PSLE results. I can see my friends!! GREAT!! Very weirds.. Because one week 5 days see my friends and teachers. Now is one whole week never see. So bad..
Blogged @ 12:32 PM |

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sorry for not posting yesterday.. I had no time to post.. Yesterday I go out play til 12 plus(midnight). Today I never go out. I very nervous.. Next thursday going to know our PSLE results liaos.. Very nervous.. I scared my marks very low.. But never minds.. So gotta go now.. ByeByes..
Blogged @ 3:50 PM |

Friday, November 20, 2009
How was it. Did any of ue guys cry? Well some of the boys and girls cry. As for me. I did cry. Our form teacher cry. I wanna wish ue all a good luck in everything that ue all did. And Thanks for being my friend.
Blogged @ 1:01 PM |

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I dont feel kind of happy todae. ShuZhen, Puteri, Kanages and me had a fight with Adara. Whats wrong? I never say anything to anyone. She chose to believe other people's nonsense than believing her own friends. They say bad things about me. She also believe. Things that i didnt do. They said to her that i did. Thats not true friends were. At class, I was sitting at my place. She walk past me and say hai ren. What does she mean by that? I never even think of harming her or even sabotage her. Little did i never think of saying bad things about her. But she dont believe. Sometimes i wonder.. Why is she so stubborn to not believe her own friends? Why? I didnt say she steal money from ShuZhen. Why did she have to scold me? And IT just left two more days to the last day of school. Why does everybody have to be so sad? I felt bad for ShuZhen. Mostly.. I felt sad. Isnt it great to be happy til the end of the school? But instead of being happy.. All of us are feeling sad. On the graduation night or the last day or school. I will cry. Boys? So what if I cried? Does that mean that ue all can laugh? If ue all laugh that means ue dont miss the school or your fellow mates or friends. I am not going to care what happen... So byebyes...
Blogged @ 3:48 PM |

Monday, November 16, 2009
Looks like everybody have forgotten how to respect other people's blog. Well i should say this..
To the spammers.
Hey! Fuck off man. This is my name. You have no rights to spam my blog. Who do ue think ue guys are. My dad? My mum? My relatives? Well. Ue guys are not. And who gives ue rights to scold me bitch? Nobody right. I have rights to ask ue to fuck off. Because this is my blog. So better be careful. If ue are my friend.. Ue will be dead.
Blogged @ 5:29 PM |

Friday, November 13, 2009
Hey everyone. Well. Today so bad. Mr Lee say dont have PE. BOOOOOO!!!! Miss Tan going to China lerhs. So miss her. Next thursday is our last day of school liaos. I so sad. BAD. So Bored. Aiyarhs. Dont care liao larhs. I very angry with my father. He was the one who say want to go to the graduation night one. Then he yesterday night say dont wanna go liaos. I ask mr lee liao. Whatever larhs. Next time if got any events i dont ask him go. Everytime say go then dont wanna go. If he today say going, I will kill him. Byebyes.
Blogged @ 4:54 PM |

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Hellos. Pai sei yesterday never post.. Because i not free. So boring lorhs. I hope can go indonesia faster. Too bad. I have to wait til December to go. So byebyes. Tomorrow our school is having the 2009km run/walk/jog. Have to do that all around our neighbourhood. My favourtie!!! Nice. Because i can wear Pe t-shirt and shorts. So gotta go now. Byeeeees.
Blogged @ 6:34 PM |

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Well. There is nothing much to post on today. But I dont wanna say it out. All i wanna say is that Today is a bad day. So i wont say what happened..
Blogged @ 4:37 PM |

Monday, November 9, 2009
Hey guys! Todae... Not a good dae... This morning when i went up to hall.. i didnt even say melvin sia.. He go say me... Aiyarhs. I also not sure. Then after assembly.. I went back to classroom to put my storybook and wallet. Then that HanJie go pull my hair.... Today very bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad. Then that stupid Joshua want me to be friends back with him.. But i ignore him... He say me first then ask for forgiveness... What a stupid guy... Dont say anymore... I gotta go now.. ByeByes..
Blogged @ 7:10 PM |

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Hellos! Todae, my mum and i went out to shop. I was in anger as i was very tired. I told her that i dont wanna go out. But she say go there look for shoes.. So i went with her to AMK Hub and Toa Payoh. Walk walk walk. I stand for so long lerhs. I never even sit. In the MRT, i was standing when going there and coming back. Took bus 262 home, i was standing. But i really very tired. Yet i dont wanna rest. So now i will stop here. Byebyes. Still left two weeks to holidays. Btw. Yesterday i have not time to post because my mum bring me to my cousin's house there play. Go there nothing to do one. So boring. I might as well stay at home and watch my television. So byebyes.
Blogged @ 5:02 PM |

Friday, November 6, 2009
Sorry for not blogging everytime. I need to wait for the day when my dad is not at home. Even if he is at home, i had to ask for permission. So sad. But never mind. Nothing happen today so tomorrow then blog alot of good things if i had enjoy it tomorrow.
Blogged @ 4:05 PM |

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Cant post too much things as i have not enough time to online liaos. So Tomorrow i will post alot of things. But relax larhs. Not so much things to post de lorhs. So byebyes.
Blogged @ 3:58 PM |

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Hey guys! Sorry for not blogging early cause i doing my science project. Well i have nothing to say today so byebyes. Maybe next time when i blog, i will have alot more to say. Byes Guys!
Blogged @ 3:32 PM |