Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Days are getting fun? Yeah. It is getting fun. Still cant forget that guy that i met in Cameron. Yeah still cant forget about him. Next week going to school. Good. The teacher says that we dont need to bring books to school for the first day. Only need to bring storybooks. I went to Peirce school at 8am then came back at 5pm. We play games at there. Captain's Ball, Balloon, Hockey and more. And got many seniors keep on making our class laugh. Its quite a fun day. Well my cousins have gone back to Indonesia liaos. Now i wish that Chinese new year faster come then i can wear my new clothes. I dont have any clothes to wear now. So i gotta go watch show or play games.. Byebyes everyone. look forward to tomorrow. >.^
Blogged @ 6:37 PM |

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I saw one guy in cameron.. He is so cute.. But never minds.. next time saw him must say HELLOS BOY! Jokings.. But i will ask him to be my friend.. jokings.. Just come back from malaysia. Go to cameron and Kuala Lumpur.. Damn hot and cold sia. Bai chi! Cannot enjoy myself because.. No time already. Actually todae must go to school de. But too late!!!!!!! Tomorrow must go. otherwise kanna scolding. Jokings barhs. cause i already tell my teacher already.. I think the princeple liaos. Byebyes. i going heaven. JOKINGS LARHS. I HEAVEN ENJOY MYSELF YET STILL NEED GO DIE SIAO! BYEBYES! SEE UE IN 100 YEARS TIME. BY THAT TIME WE NOT HERE LIAOS. WE IN HEAVEN. No larhs. Got free time then meet each other lorhs. Good Nights! :D
Blogged @ 10:29 PM |

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Hellos. Later at 10 pm going to Malaysia liaos... So bad. I mean so good. Dont noe wad to do sia... ZzZ.. Hahas. Next week still need to go back school. But never minds. So byebyes.. ._.
Blogged @ 6:11 PM |

Friday, December 25, 2009
Hey! Todae go to sentosa so tired. Dont have the tram. We use walk. Siao walk so long. Leg like want to break liaos. But never minds. Tomorrow night at 10pm going to MALAYSIA!!! GREAT!! Dont need to stay at home liaos. Otherwise stuff to dead. Jokings. I noe its not funny. But i just kinda find that its funny. Muahahahahahaha.... Ahem. Not funny. So i gotta stop here. GOODOBYE!!!! ._.
Blogged @ 10:06 PM |

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Hey guys! Mmm. Todae i not so free barhs. I need to do tings so from todae onwards i not free to post so much things barhs. Because my cousins come to singapore! GOOD! NICE! Jokings. Hahas. Gotta go now. Bye byes Friends.
Blogged @ 6:30 PM |

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Bad or Good? I also dont even noe which one. Going to Pierce Secondary School. I wonder who would go to the same school as me besides from Joel Teo. Tomorrow need to go to the school. Need to clip my hair. Bored? Not at all. Tomorrow afternoon my cousins are coming. This saturday going to malaysia. Great. Next year must work hard liaos. Otherwise again scolding from my dad. My hair rebond not nice de. So bad one. Next year march go rebond again. But cut shorter. Too long will get scolding. I wanna go to AMKSS but cannot. Thought i can go to MFSS. ALso cannot. Heng i go to pierce. If i go to Whitely/Yio Chu Kang/Deyi Secondary. I comfirm regret. Need take bus there. Now feeling a little bored.
Let's talk bout wad happen todae.
Puteri , ShuZhen, WeiZheng and me go school take certificate. At first reach there i thought that christine was there. Then i only saw Puteri, WeiZheng and ShuZhen. SO after that WeiZheng went home. The three of us plus two boys which is danial and Shahrul went to Amk Hub. I went there walk here and there. Go return storybook. Then go mac. But mac was packed with people. So is the hawker centre in Amk Hub. Then we went to play. At there we saw Christine. Then we join her play. She forgot to take her cert. So she go take then meet ShuZhen and Puteri. Me? I go NTUC see got the thing i wanna buy anot. Then dont have then i buy something to eat. And i go home. On my way home, guess who i saw. First i saw Jing Hao, Jack Hong and a boy run dont noe go where. Then i thought i saw who. I turn my head back and i saw Melvin. Then i walk cross road i felt tired then i walk slowly. Then he caught up. I never do anything but only call him. He almost fell down from his bike. I laugh. Then i walk home. Its kinda bored now. So i going to youtube. ByeByes.
Blogged @ 5:22 PM |

Monday, December 21, 2009
Well.. I came back from indonesia todae. Well. Nothing happened todae.. This wednesday my cousins coming.. This fridae i going malaysia with them.. Also good. Stay at home so bored.. Might as well go out walk around.. Nothing to say much.. Bye.
Blogged @ 5:56 PM |

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Todae going to indonesia.. I hope darrell will be happy.. Always, Everyday, forever.. Hope he sees this he will know.. I am sorry.. Hope ue dont hate me.. :( .. Bye everyone except darrell. I will be back next monday..
apology for the date to be slow or not accurate.. sorry.
Blogged @ 11:06 AM |

Monday, December 14, 2009
Yesterday( 13/12/09)
Go Tiong Bahru then HabourFront. Went Bugis then AMK Hub. The went home after that.
Today ( 14/12/09)
Fuck Fuck Fuck! Wad the hell is going with that damn dad? I only use my mother's phone play games and sms only one day nia. Just now call say the phone bill is $99 plus. Everything is my fault larhs! I am not the one who send so many people! Why scold me! Idiot Idiot Idiot! CheeBai! One day never say me will die is it? My godsister now not at home. So that means ue can say me larhs. I hate ue forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I go where ue also scold. My results pass already. Ue also scold. Wad did i do wrong? I never do anything wrong right? Did i make ue angry? No right? Say me for wad. Your temper bad. Does not means my temper not bad. My temper can be rude and bad than ue. Ue better watch out. Dare to make me angry. I will let ue cry first. I will let ue to have nothing to say.
Blogged @ 12:30 PM |

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Hi. Another day has pass again. Still left 3 more days to Indonesia. Dont noe its fun or not fun. Well not much things to say anyways. So byebyes. :)
Blogged @ 5:50 PM |

Friday, December 11, 2009
Hellos guys! Mmm.. Still left 4 more days to my trip of going overseas.. This few days stay at home reading storybook. Very guai horhs? Hahas. Jokings.. This morning i just go bugis.. Walk here and there nothing to buy.. Only buy two jeans(blue and white.) Bored. My (.....) Dad is coming home so i need to shut down my computer. Damn bad. Why i cannot play in front of him? He scold me i talk back lorhs. So easy. Stupid. Dont say anymore liaos. Go read story book. Very nice to read lerhs. :)
Blogged @ 4:57 PM |

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Another dae is gone again.. Day by day went so fast.. never minds. Nothing mouch to say todae... Still left 6 more days to my trip.. So excited a little.. Byebyes..
Blogged @ 3:54 PM |

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Christmas is getting closer and closer.. Oh man. I wonder what to buy for my cousin.. Never minds. Left 7 days to go Indonesia. So fast sia. Nothing much to post todae. Tonight going out again >< NONGDAM ANIYA! ( IM NOT JOKING!)
Its quite stuffy staying at home.. Go out and breathe in some fresh air..
Blogged @ 1:41 PM |

Monday, December 7, 2009
Looks like i haven post since yesterday.. Yesterday me and my parents attend a malay wedding that is at my blk downstairs.. The food is so-so. The fish quite nice de. Well. Its kinda bored. My mother says that next week going Indonesia. Then my aunt called my mother say"next week ue guys come i take ue go swimming at the beach" I was so happy. I hope i can dont quarrel with that stupid guy there. He looks so... Dont noe how to say barhs. I so happy because i going to reborn and cut my hair.. I wonder if ue guys will laugh anot if i cut a new hairstyle back.. Never minds. My hair spoil liaos so need to go reborn again. Tie Tie Tie so much will spoil de.. Make me feel very old. Jokings >.* .. Well i gotta go now. byebye guys. *_*..
* My apology to everyone who see this post for the date to be slow..><
Blogged @ 3:00 PM |

Friday, December 4, 2009
Its kinda bored. Isnt it ? Nothing to do at home too bored.. Yesterday my dad brought some Korea DVD home. I dont noe wad kind of story it is. But i will try to watch.. If not good to watch i switch off. My mood is getting bad and bad. Not in a mood. I always not in a good mood. Phone prepaid going finish. Lazy top up. Lazy sms.. Not in a good mood today too. Maybe is because stay at home too stuffy liaos. Hope tomorrow can go out with my cousin. It depends on my aunt whether she bringing me out anot.. Hope she will call use.. I wanna go swimming! I wanna play water. Because its fun!. I l0v3 it! Now its getting bored and more bored.I wanna have a fight today! Must have it. No matter wad my father scold i will fight! Otherwise I dont have a privacy.. Jokings. Not in a mood today. So byebyes.
Blogged @ 2:57 PM |

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Im feeling bored. Nothing to do. Phone prepaid card? Low.. Cant sms much.. I wanna top up.. But i dont noe when to wait.. Damn it.. No mood today.. Not in a good mood. Hope that my dad today will scold.. Then i can say him back. He is too old fasion le barhs. Everytime nag nag nag.. Never do anything wrong also nag. Warh lao. Very fan sia. I WANNA GO INDONESIA REBORN AND CUT MY HAIR!. Dont noe which hairstyle to cut more nicer. My now hairstyle or the hairstyle( Mushroom head).. Its kinda cute cutting the second hairstyle.. I have to ask my aunt.. Shit.. Tomorrow going out to bishan park play.. Go play also bored. Dont go more bored. Go there play play more fun.. TAKE PIC? Can or maybe barhs.. Just hope i can go to ang mo kio secondary school. If cant go in then i have to chose mayflower secondary school. I GOING TO FIGHT WITH MY DAD IF HE DARES TO NAG. IM SURE THAT I WILL WIN THIS FIGHT. DARE TO SAY MY MOTHER OR ME. WILL BE DEAD. I WILL NOT USE HANDS BUT I USE MY MOUTH. I WILL NOE WHAT TO SAY AND WAD NOT TO SAY. Nothing to say liaos.. ByeByes. :)
Blogged @ 4:03 PM |

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Hey everybody.. Well this few days there are some problems coming from my family.. I wish it was a dream.. How stupid it was.. Never mind.. Not comfirm which date to go indonesia.. BOOOOOOOOOO!!! Jokings.. Btw, I wish ue guys good luck.. Hope ue can go to your favourtie secondary school.. (:
Blogged @ 2:30 PM |