Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wad the .. Today is the worse day that i had ever had. This morning, ShuZhen and me quarrel with darrell's girlfriend Jana. Warh Lao. She talk like she was very good like that worhs. Then darrell help her say us back. Kanasai. Then after that. WeiZheng, ShuZhen and me went amk there and play. WeiZheng made me laugh til siao. She very funny sia. She got hiccups and se still make me laugh. I cannot take it. We went into the amk hub and shop. On the way there we saw Xena, XiaoYing, Rini, Zahira and Syafiqah. Then my mother call me. I pick up and go home with her. She go see the clothes sia. No time to say liaos. Need to go do homework. Byebyes guys. Hope ue guys have a great day. :)
Blogged @ 5:12 PM |

Friday, January 29, 2010
Today very tired. I also dont even noe why. My eyes feel like closing during CME period. Very tired. Then come back i go home and play computer after bathing and changing. I chat with my classmates and my beloved friends who are from amkps. So thats all i ahve to say. Byebyes.
Blogged @ 5:19 PM |

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Today very tired sia. Maybe I wake up early barhs. We got science test. So easy sia. And Mr Lee finally come back liaos. I like his lessons. He make the lessons very interesting. Then after recess. Our whole class kanna caught by Mr Ong. Caught Caught lorhs. Not big deal. But my friend's wallet dont noe who go put inside Brandon's bag. And go frame him. The make us stay til 2 plus. Wad the.. I eat finish and stay til 4. No CCA very sian one lorhs. Yes! Tomorrow have PE. Good. I am good. Next Monday got Volleyball training! Good. I love it!. So thats all for today. Byebyes.!
Blogged @ 6:19 PM |

Friday, January 22, 2010
So tired for this whole week.. Today the actual dismissal is at 12.15p.m. Then the mother tougue teacher go dismiss us at 12.55p.m. Wad wrong with her?! I never talk why dont let we girls go first?! WarhLao.. I dont care liaos. Yesterday I went for the VolleyBall training. I catch the bal and twisted my little finger in at my right hand. I hit the ball until my hand becomes blueblack. Monday VolleyBall training run 5 rounds in the indoor sports hall. Tuesday run 2 rounds around the school for house Practice. Wednesday PE run for 15 minutes from the front gate to the back gate. Then 10 minutes for the touching red line run. Then thursday run for 8 rounds for Volleyball training. Wad The Hell. So tired. Leg muscle pain. Today very boring sia. Nothing to do at all. I also forgot got wad homework. Lazy.. Feel like playing computer the whole day. But i cant. Smsing? I sms til sian liaos. LOLS. Our whole class today went mad liaos. All chit chatting in class. YanLing cry? Sedrick(i dont noe how to spell) Also cry? I also cry but a little only. Only my eyes went wet. Dont say more things My dad is returning home. So must be a guai kia. Okays. End heres. Byebyes. :)
Blogged @ 5:06 PM |

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Hellos. Looks like i haven post liaos. Too busy with homework? nope. Is need stay back for House Practice and Volleyball Training. Today DAMN tired. The Mrs Yau ask us to run for 15 minutes. Run like that still okays. But we still have her lessons after PE.. What The ... !!
Then after school went to Peirce Library but it was closed. DAMN UNLUCKY... Then go take bus. Bus 166 run liaos. Then Bus 165 come. I run like a mad girl for chasing the bus sia. Luckily i got up in time. Then come back with the leg pain. Tomorrow VOLLEYBALL!!! Need stay.. Tomorrow HomeEcons. I hate it. The teacher so ferice.. Damn it. Never minds larhs. I dont wanna care about her. I only like Mr lee's Maths and CME class lessons. He is soo good. Bye. Gotta do homework. Otherwise i will get scolding or Demrit Points.. ByeByes
Blogged @ 5:09 PM |

Sunday, January 17, 2010
My birthday past so fast. Well never minds. At least i got many wishes from my friends and even had fun from my relatives. Today so tiring! Go to bugis then go Toa Payoh.. Wad The Hell. Tomorrow need go to school till six! No time do homework.. So i had to saty abck and do with Amy and YanLing. Just now in computer chat with the Seniors(ShuMin and Shaun)? Hahas. I think next time we should open MSN 1A1 chatting group. Jokings. Tomorrow need to go school. So gotta go. Bye guys!
Blogged @ 8:57 PM |

Friday, January 8, 2010
Is it that i like guy guy from my class or wad. Everytime saw him got one feeling. I also not sure. I dont wanna care about this anymore. YanLing also like him. But i guess i had to forget it. I not sure whether he like me or not. But i think is not. Im not so pretty, Im hot tempered. And more. Im rude too. Fine. Just forget wad i said here. Well, Let's get on on wad happened todae. Todae that damn Chinese teacher say we all noisy. Wad the hell. Not our fault wad. Its the boys. Go inside the classroom haven even sit for 5 minutes then ask ur to go outside and sit on the floor. Joel say she is old hag. Then the English teacher talk talk talk. But the Geography teacher? He shout at us!!!!! But heng. He took us out of school then we wont be able to stuck in the school the whole day. Otherwise i will be dead sia. Will die. Tomorrow still need go back school.. But i dont wanna care. Dont say anymore. My dad is coming home. ByeByes!! :)
Blogged @ 5:47 PM |

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Hey guys! I have lost all my contacts.. Please tell me.. I am trying to find all but my phone is going *mad*.. I mean my phone sort sort liaos. i on the phone cannot even press anything at all only can press the numbers. So Please take it as i beg ue.. TEll me ur numbers please!!!!
Homework!!! Good. But i felt very sleepy... Never minds.. Its an okays -okays day?! Joking. But its a bad day. The teachers i mean the principle all talking very loud.. I almost become bored.
Blogged @ 6:56 PM |

Saturday, January 2, 2010
Just now went toa payoh buy shoes.. Still left 1 more day to school liaos. So happy. Because not bored liaos. But i sometimes prefer staying at home barhs.. Tomorrow going out again?! Sian.. 7.15 must reach school & i need take bus. WTH.. Never minds. Still need to wake up early.. But also good larhs. Must jiayous liaos. I cant play computer when exam coming or like studing.. must ask permissions. Okays. Gotta go now.
Blogged @ 6:54 PM |

Todae was my cousin's birthday. Wow! it was totally great. We went to ktv there to sing. I totally push all my anger into my singing. It was good. I forgot wad happen. So i wish ue a happy birthday.. Still left 2 more days to PSS.. Must work hard. SO JIAYOUS!!!!
Blogged @ 10:25 AM |