Sunday, February 28, 2010
Hellos . Tomorrow going back to school liaos . Bad rights ? I dont feel like going back because got CCA . But I have to . Just hope that the coach tomorrow will be in good mood . Then we wont have to suffer . No homework so good . But test papers . Die !
I just wanna have a peace in my mind .
Hey friends . Dont think i call ue friend that means i treated ue as a friend. Ue guys dont have things to do arhs ? All your free time use up by spamming people's blog liaos arhs ? I didnt insult ue but ue insult me ? Wad The Hell . I dont like people to scold vulgarities in my blog and i also dont like people to spam my blog . So Im telling ue that . If i never say ue or provoke ue guys , so ue guys dont say anything bad about me . About Jana's , I didnt even say it again . But ue guys still scold vulgarities here . Please respect my blog . Because its not yours .
YuTing :P
Blogged @ 4:14 PM |

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Me here is amysohyanling(: , Im gotten say , to the passerby in the cbox.
If you think here is your spamming blog , THEN YOU ARE WRONG wrong ! because you and me DUN HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THAT! and pls la , This not your blog mind as well dun spam D< , im spamming too incovle D; i dun care you are jana mother/father/guardian/ WHOEVER , you also dun have the right to say/who to 'WATCHUP' , if you not happy seeing your FRIEND name being scolded , THEN DUN SEE LA , CLOSE YOUR F EYE CAN LIAO , -blink- o_- , if you think you are right in the world , then you are idiot ._.'' , You scolded her , im i scolding you?
i dun think , i never insult you except parent THAT WORD ONLY YOU KNOW.
you know why i use green!? , BECAUSE IT NATURE PLS , and be more mature and naturly be a good girl/boy/
You dun scare dm? confirm mah? , scare later you got whatever from dm , scare you cry , but if you did nothing wrong , scare for what? , so you come here is for spamming and you scare you wht? if you a guy , i tell you , People will think you like jana , I know darrell kong , not i dunno .
I know jana too , from tgps , think i dunno? i also know she class . So wht? i also know you know her also , but not better then you . You think you pretty / jana? or handsome? , 不要做莫拉。it just simple things you want make bigbig? , you there very big? i know la , that why you want make bigbig. Sorry that is insulting , AND I ALREADY APOLOGIZE LA . dun want forgive then your manner / attitude problem :D ok see you soon if i want .
EEK who want D;
ammysoh (:
not happy about me? call 999 or call lawyer .
Im not scare of it.
Blogged @ 3:53 PM |

Hey guys . Today not many things happened . Only got one stupid person , dont noe for wad reason come and spam my blog . Dont have manners lorhs . Just finish drawing those cute images . They look so cute . Tomorrow going out liaos . Not too much things to say as I have spent from 8 plus to now playing computer . So going to offline liaos . Byebyes .
Lots of love ,
YuTing <(^_^)>
Blogged @ 3:51 PM |

Friday, February 26, 2010
Hey hey hey ! Im bored now . I past my Geography 37/40 .. Omg . Of al the subject , I only concentrade on that paper . Nice . Today Mr Shahul never teach us . Only Miss Neo . The class was damn noisy . I wanna shout to tell them shut up . During mother tougue . I was sabotage by Ziegler . I got read . It just that WuXuan read so slow that i cant even read properly . Stupid! I dont really like it . My face was even black that time . Then the WeiQiang still joke with me " ue want to fight arhs?' Wad The hell . I was very angry still say wanna fight . I use my water bottle throw at him then he noe arhs . Very pain one lorhs . Still add oil to my anger . Now i am okay already because my Geography test pass . So nothing to say now . byebyes !
Lots of love,
Blogged @ 5:19 PM |

Hi ! How was the day today ? It was my worst day . During CCA , I forgotten to bring the knee pad . I was punish to do 20 pumping . Lucky the coach was in a good mood. He let us off early . Wow ! I hope he will be good mood everyday lorhs then we sec ones wont suffer liaos . LOLS ! Okays. Dont talk too much liaos . Gotta go revise for science .
Dearest ,
YuTing :D
Blogged @ 2:47 PM |

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
HELLOS ! Long time no post liaos . Yeah . Kinda busy this week . All those CCAs , house practice and exam . Need to cope all this things . Today dont have common dissmisal Yay ! But have that Design and tech test . I hate it . :P Maths still okays . Maybe pass . Tomorrow Is Geography . So Must Jiayou ! So now gotta go now . Byebyes !
Lots Of Love ,
YuTing :P
Blogged @ 3:33 PM |

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Nothing to say much today . Tomorrow exam . So I wish all my friends including me Must jia you worh ! Dont be lazy ! Joking . Byebyes . Now going out .
Love ,
YuTing :D
Blogged @ 3:48 PM |

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Hello . How was the day after returning from chinese new year holiday ? I felt very tired . Later I am going out . I can finally play and meet my cousins for more than two months already . But most badly is that small one . I dont kinda like him now . He very rude . No manners derh lorhs . When I say dont lend him my phone he angry liaos . So petty . But I will not care bout him derh lorhs . Because of my cousin sister . She and I are like two sister since young . We will talk about everything . Yeah . Almost everything . But we study different schools . Today was a totally bored day , I supposed . Nothing to do at facebook . Then I go youtube watch the show that is Down With Love . Damn funny . Tonight I hope I get to watch it . So now . I gotta go . Will Update blog next time .
Lots of Love ,
YuTing :D
Blogged @ 5:04 PM |

Friday, February 19, 2010
Hello guys . Its been awhile that I didnt post anything here . Its all because of my blogskin so I didnt post . Yesterday was a tiring day . With the hot sun , we need to stay under the sun and hit the VolleyBall 30 times . The coach let us off at 6.30 pm .Oh my gosh . It was late . I had my friends to wait for me . But he still let us off let . It was tired . But today was quite a fun day . But I also dont noe wad thing is fun today . But I still feel very tired . Feel like sleeping . But Im not a piggy . So I not gonna sleep . Chinese New Year ! Damn . NO HONG BAO! I was going around to visit my relatives in singapore . So that I can ask them for donation for the cross country . Anyway . Its difficult to ask from them . Tomorrow can wake up late liaos ! YAY ! Well . I will stop here . Byebyes .
Blogged @ 4:07 PM |

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Hello ! Tomorrow is the first day of New Year ! Well , an advance New Year wishing to all my friends . Hope ue guys had a great time . Well . At 5 plus or 4 plus , I will be leaving my home . So sad . But I will be back by next tuesday . byebyes .
Blogged @ 3:17 PM |

Friday, February 12, 2010
Hey guys ! Im too happy today . I also not sure wad is the reason why . Got homework ? Of course have . Its maths . Good . Tomorrow going overseas liaos . Im so happy . Nothing to do now ? Yeah . Its kind of look boring . Mmm .
This is wad i am doing right now . Nothing to do . Just type wadever I wanna type . By the way , just now i went back to AMKPS. Mr Lee made me and my friends wait for him for so long . So nice . Ask him for HongBao . He go give me one packet of thing . But i also dont noe wad . Then chit chat chit chat . Then lastly . I went home . So now i busy liaos . So byebyes .
Blogged @ 4:32 PM |

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Bored .. Bored .. Bored .. :) Wad a rotten day ! The test all no hopes derh lorhs . First is science the other is chinese . More worst is we keep on get scolding . After recess we at hall . The teacher scold . I was drinking water until she finish wad she said . The science I hope it will pass . If not , this friday must stay for remedial ! Thats wad i hated most ! Tomorrow got maths test . So must study . Jia you ! Byebyes !!
Blogged @ 5:05 PM |

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Hello ! Long time no blog .. Just joking . I just post something just one day ago . So lets talk bout today barhs . I never bring the PC drawing to school . Oh ! How careless am I ? But luckily Mr Lee never scold me . Because I promise him to bring the paper tomorrow . OMG ! Tomorrow got Mother Tougue and Science tests . Must revise . But maybe later . After maths is english . We thought we had the book talk . But Mrs Yau says that this week cant do Book Talk as we are slow in the writing things as the other class caught up with us already . Then it was soon after recess . The teacher damn wad . She should let we girls go off first as we never even talk . But forget it .Today the Geography teacher , Mr Shahul , was totally very fierce . Omg . He was shouting at us like wad . We wasted his "PRECIOUS HALF AND HOUR TIME" just by sorting out who never sign the test paper . Then spent the last few minutes scolding us . We were almost late for Mother Tougue class . It was PC lesson . The show was not fun to see derhs . I look here and there . But I never listen . Then we proceed back to classroom . Warh . It feels so nice to go back to the classroom . But Maybe a little fever that time ? Yeah . A little . After next week is EXAMINATIONS ! Why so fast ? But I should start to revise now . So byebyes ! :)
Blogged @ 4:48 PM |

Monday, February 8, 2010
I believe that some of ue here will let ours have the person ue like. Like somebody ue will want the person to be happy . I hope he will be happy . I rather have the hurt than having another attack . I believe all my gans will understand wad i said .
Btw, lets skip this ..
Today is a boring day ! We have the literature test . WT .. So .. DIFFICULT !! We also have the home econs test . I not sure whether i got pass anot ? But i guess I will pass barhs . So not going to say more things because nothing happen today . So byebyes !
Blogged @ 4:17 PM |

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Hellos. Today was quite a bored day. Well its true. I have nothing to do at all. Now i am at my cousin's house playing computer. Well Nothing to say as there was no event happening. And its true. LOLS. I wanna go back school. At home nothing do derhs lorhs. Everytime play computer play computer. If not playing computer then sms sms. Or do homework do homework. Wad The Hell. KNS. Never minds. I gotta go liaos. Byebyes. Next time i will updated. Tomorrow i going out so cant. Monday also cant. So only tuesday.wednesday and thursday plus friday and saturday then can. I noe i am talking out of the hell rubbish. But i have nothing to do. So byebyes.
Blogged @ 6:35 PM |

Friday, February 5, 2010
Hihi ! Lets talk about wad happened today. :)
Between 6.30-7.45..
I took the bus at 6.30 a.m. I thought i never saw Joel, Amy or YanLing. But I still saw Joel. He was 'acting cool'. Listening to music. But at the same time he was very blur. We reach school at 6.40-6.45a.m. I was feeling kinda losing my voice and kinda sleepy too. Reaching the school canteen, I found YanLing so guaii sitting there doing the Home Econs homework. So I had to ask Angie and CaiYun to pei me go staffroom and find Mdm Ang. Which is the teacher in charge of the volleyball training. Go there call about 3 times nobody answer. I went down to the locker. On the way there, I saw somebody.. He was sitting there with another prefect reading something. I was thinking that he was so guaii reading a book. But also good. After that, we carry our bags to the parade square for morning assembly.
Between 7.45 a.m-8.45a.m..
Guess whose period is this? Its Mr Shahari's period. This is my worst lesson ever. We had to sit outside of the Physics Lab and study. Feeling sleepy also. I also cant even hear wad he say as i was writing my answer in the theory book..
Between 8.45-9.45..
Whose period is this? Its Miss Piak. Our literature teacher. She is fierce. Because she is helping and worry about our work. She is trying to tell us wad might come out in the class test. So i think i should listen to her.
Between 9.45-10.15..
ITS RECESS TIME ! I am staving. * skip skip skip*.. When i was eating, YanLing keep on asking me to see the guy. But i refuse. He go chose a place that was facing me. My face went red in the moment.
End of school ! Rushing home to go out with my mum. So many things take. Regretted going with her xD. But never minds. I ran from the bus stop to my house in order to play my computer ! So nothing to say liaos. Byebyes. :)
Blogged @ 5:42 PM |

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Hellos. Very bored? New Year is round the corner. Never mind. This whole week, I feel like i am studying in a hell school. Run like hell. Studying like hell. Monday run 10 rounds. Tuesday run 4 rounds. Today run 7 rounds. I was like wad the hell. Its was like torturing. Exam is also round the corner so must jiayou. Gambate!! Gotta go. Byebyes.
Msg to darrell:
Dont try to mess with me. I am not the old YuTing ue noe. Ue are getting worse. I cant believe ue were worse than a primary school kid. Ue went far to much for me to take the blow. Far Too MUCH. Ue dont think that i can bear with it. I wont. Ue keep helping Jana( or whatever na larhs. I dont even care about her name) to say me back. Ue werent like that last time. Ue help friends more than relationship. Just like wad Felicia had said. Friendship last long but relationship does not. But ue just dont care. I dont care whether ue wanna do wad. But ue are not allow to bring Jana back to amkps. She doesnt belong there. And that isnt her school. Maybe ue start to hate me. But it doesnt mean that i dont. Listen carefully. Not members of amkps cannot go in. Ue wanna scold then scold. If ue dare to scold, that means Jana is more important to ue than your friends. Scold me if ue dare. If ue scold me i will have an answer for ue. And that answer i have not say to any boys before yet.
Blogged @ 4:24 PM |