Tuesday, March 30, 2010
~ A friend told me that today will be a better day yesterday , but it proves that its not a good day after all . ~
Im here to scold people . Not to post things .
To somebody that say me or call my name this morning :
Oi . Ue want fight is it ?! Dare to talk to me in that manner . Watch out larhs . Never use your brain to think before ue speak . No wonder attitude so bad larhs .
Call me china girl for wad ? Im not a china girl . My mother is not from china . My father is singaporean . Ue say me china girl , that means ue china ah pei ah gong larhs . Talk cock larhs . Talk so much . Ue think ue wad . Bigger than me arhs ? Wake up larhs . I birthday is in January . Wanna make me cry . Ue will die first . I will make ue suffer . How old are ue liaos ? Still wanna call people names . Damn childish . I tell ue . Not all people in our class like ue okays . Every time distract people in class and make them cannot pay attention . Wad the heck . Ue think ue wad . Pro boy arhs ? I think more pro is Mr Ong / Mr Sim / Mrs Ng / Mrs Vijay barhs . Bully is a serious offence in school . Ue call people names its also counted as bully . And another guy . Toh Poh Soon . Ue also better watch out . Say I never read . Say YanLing never read . Ue cannot see or wad ? Eye blind liaos arhs ? Wear specs also cannot see . Dont noe then dont talk so much . And those people who say china sucks . Ue guys are insulting their country . We all are humans . Its not that I keep scolding or making ue guys angry . But its ue are the ones who made the teachers scold ue that make the whole class waste the time . Reflect yourself barhs . Talk talk talk . Still dare to say wad arhs . My mouth arhs . I noe ue guys' mouth very biig . Dont need to show off derhs . Better shut your mouth up .
By the way . Im not scolding girls . But Im saying the boys . Thats all I have to say . Good nights . (:
Blogged @ 8:51 PM |

Monday, March 29, 2010
Hi . Not in a mood today . Even if i laugh so hard in school , I also the same . Today very unlucky lorhs .
1 . Bag spoil .
2 . Fall down after school .
3 . Water Bottle lost .
Wad the heck did it gone wrong . And now Im having sore throat and flu . Wad the hell ?! Im feeling very tired . Training is cancel as it was raining and the indoor sports hall have been taken by the netball girls . They are having competition . Pro . We were dismiss . I stayed til 6 plus as I waited for Jessica . Then I buy yogurt and eat . I seat down there and thinking of my homeworks . then Keith's face suddenly come . I turn and look . I almost kana fright . Lucky I didnt choke . Otherwise my throat cannot tahan derhs lorhs . Lucky . Scared me sia . Then I went home . Today very bored . But tomorrow more bored lorhs . Because there is english ! And its very bored . Mrs Yau's voice make me want to sleep . And its true . I almost fall asleep in every Mrs Yau's class . I wanna go sleep liaos . Nights guys . Byebyes . Sweet Dreams . :)
Blogged @ 8:50 PM |

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Nothing much to say barhs . Im very tired todae . So maybe next time then post barhs . Im sick . My stomach hurts . Damn . Feeling sleepy nows . Good nights guys . Hope ue all have a good day . (:
Blogged @ 9:58 PM |

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Today not much things happen . Besides Im not quite in a good mood anyway . Im bored now . Well , lets talk bout wad has happened today . ^^
I arrived in school at between 6.40 am to 6.45 am . I didnt do my chinese homework ?! Die . I copy from Angie as I dont noe how to do . The teacher says do two . Omg . I only do one . Die . She says must print out the article ?! Big problem ! I dont have printer . Never minds . Do it tomorrow . Then first lesson is already science . Lucky not Mr Shahari . Its interesting in Mr Tan's lesson . He talk then give homework and the bell went off . After that is Mr Lee's class . Yes ! Mr Lee rocks ! He damn cute ^^ . I love being in his lessons . LOLS ! Then recess . My stomach hurts alot . I thought its just hungry so I went to eat . But after recess , Amy , Clarissa and me walk together up . When I walk past the male toilet , WeeLeong come out . I was like Omg . Why he suddenly come out ? Diao . Then we proceed to the hall . Amy says she wanna go toilet . So I accompany her . Then when we walk back to the hall , those boys arhs . WeiQiang , Ashton , Mark , Hao Jie and Wuxuan were blocking our way . Then I shout excuse me very loud . They talk bout me and I told them to shut up . Then its mother tougue . Will die first im gonna say . I dont even noe when i become a chinese rap sia . they go call my name . Wad the hell . Then english . Mrs Yau ! So shiok her class . But I dont seem to like it . Then its music . My favourtie . Hahas . After that assembly . Finally DISMISSAL !! Yahoo ! I was waiting for Amy but she says she not sure whether the scouts need to go anot . But she go liaos . I wanted somebody to accompany me go home derhs . But nobody is free . I hate to be lonely . Because I find that its too bored . Lonely maybe is not a good thing . But I still think its very bored without siblings . On my way home , I saw Jun Yong at the bus stop . But he ignore the bus 165 . Then I took my bus home . Oh ... ! I forgot to do my homework . Crap ! I later then do . lols . Tomorrow got english , Yes . And its two periods
!! I hate it . One is PE the other is English . And both the teachers are Mrs Yau . Oh my gosh . Going to faint . Diao . Anyways . this is my 53rd day of waiting for my phone to be back to my side . I miss my old phone and I want it back . Its nokia brand so I wanna it back . Its my dearest . lols . By the way . Im gonna end off . Byebyes guys . :|
Blogged @ 5:29 PM |

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Well . This few days seem kinda stress and busy for me . I have been doing my homework . But I cant finish two of it . Damn . Tomorrow go school liaos . Still got CCA . Very tired . Now wanna sleep . So . I will post on tuesday barhs . Ouch . My back hurts . Eyes seems kinda blur . Damn tired . Anyway . Im getting my old phone back . Then i will sell it and buy another second hand . 3 months later , I will buy a new one . Then i let my dad use the second hand one . End of the year I will buy another new phone . So I have change 8 phones already . So this year I had to buy two more new ones . Waste money . But I wanna buy it ! I wanna new phone ! Thats all I had to say now . Byebyes guys . :) Wish ue guys have a good day . And Good nights .
Blogged @ 6:40 PM |

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Hi everyone ! Today Im feeling very tired . I woke up at 5 plus . Then when to Lavender Street there the immigration thing there at 7 plus . Wth very early . Then after then . We waited til 11.30 to collect things . Then me and my mother proceed to Harbourfront the Vivo City there and walk . So cold . Then we went to chinatown to find something . In total we went to 3 places . Omg . Then went home at 3 plus and I on my computer . In bus I sleep like wad . I sleep like a pig . When the bus reach my house i also dont noe . Then my mother wake me up . I was very blur . Well . Gotta go and do my homework liaos . Byebyes . (:
Blogged @ 6:33 PM |

Friday, March 19, 2010
Well . Im at home . Damn tired . Yeah correct . I yesterday slept at 10 pm and ended up woken up at 10 am . Well Im going to try to finish my homework during today and tomorrow . So nothing much to say guys . Just to tell ue guys . I got one new kor . His name is Keith . Hahas . Well nothing else to say liaos . byebyes . :)
Blogged @ 6:55 PM |

Thursday, March 18, 2010
WooHoo ! Finally back to my home sweet home . Camping for three days . It was fun . Sad to say that . LOLS ! Yesterday , during the campfire , our house ( swift ) was the loudest in the cheer . But we were all very tired from the campfire as we from morning til night . But the GLs is worse . Well . I miss the days in camp now . Yeah . I miss it . As it totally fun then staying at home . As it was very bored . Well . All I wanna say was . Later at the end i will say thing for the GLs . Todae is very tired . Because its very fun as we shout like hell . My eyes wanted to close already . Omg .
Never minds . I am going to end now . Byebyes . Nights guys .
To the GLs that have taken my group SENTOSA ( SWIFT ) <> :
Thank you guys for taking care or helping us out during the camp days . I can say that ue guys totally rocks . Alot . :) I love ue all seniors !! ^^ Diao . LOLS !
Blogged @ 8:04 PM |

Monday, March 15, 2010
Hihi ! Tomorrow going school for camping liaos . I still dont noe who is the GLs who are going to the camp with us . I cant wait til tomorrow night . Because of ... Cant say . Its spooky . For the holiday assignments , I only finish science , maths and english . As for chinese , I will do it on Saturday . Damn bored sia . Nothing to do . Then go youtube watch show . Watch finish liaos . Now at blog writing or typing . Wadever ! LOLS ! I now feeling very bored liaos . Homeworks . Eat finish tibits . Still no feeling one . I wonder wad will we do tomorrow . byebyes . gotta go now !!
Love from ,
YuTing :)
Blogged @ 4:32 PM |

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Still left 2 more days then go camp . Planning to say ghost story even if Im afraid of it . Yeah . Must overcome it . Tomorrow do homework liaos . Wad a busy day . Now wanna go out lerhs . But I wanna finish my blogging . Camp wad a pack of shit sia . Pack this and that . Wad the heck . Just now went amk hub to top up my ezlink card . No money liaos . Just finish my tibits . So salty . Aiyoyo . Maybe now going out . My mother is rushing me . Rush rush rush . Bored nothing to do at all . Its true . Damn quiet in my house todae . Very quiet . Too quiet . Aiya ! Cannot take it liaos larhs . On some music now . Nothing good to post . Chatting with Angie and shuzhen . Angie moving house liaos . So sad . But I more sad . Dont kanna get scolding then can liaos . LOLS ! Facebook also damn bored . Because I play the game finish liaos marhs . But I like this piggy . It looks kinda cute . ^^ Damn fluffy and soft . But I still love my teddy . Hahas . Now I gotta go now . Byebyes guys and friends . :)
Nights ,
YuTing :D
Blogged @ 4:49 PM |

Friday, March 12, 2010
Today is the last day of term 1 . Bad lorhs . With all the teacher's nagging and talking , Im already deaf liaos . Cant seem to hear wad they are saying . Well . During the holidays , we have online homeworks to do . Oh My Gosh . Its damn bad lorhs . Its kinda boring day . Mr Lee says must finish the homeworks by this four days that means todae , tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the day after sunday . Because if we do after our NE camp , we might forgot all the formula or the things we have learnt in school . Thank god that there is no homework for geography . Mr Shahul rocks ! LOLS ! He damn good lorhs . Next week got NE camp so dont have training . Todae my friends are going camp because they are from scouts . Scouts have camp todae . So nice . But they get to rest one day only . Too bad . Well by the way . The one week holiday will be fun for us . I wanna go camp now ! Because I have plan wad to do already . :) So I wont tell ue . Now I need to go and do homeworks . Byebyes . :)
Lots of love ,
YuTing :D
Blogged @ 4:48 PM |

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Todae . I was scolded by Mdm Ang . Wad The Hell . Feeling damn bad now . I dont want homework . But the teachers still give . Just now got Volleyball training . Damn tired . Chatting and talking with Sheila , Jing Yi and Jia Xing during training . run til leg no feeling one . Tomorrow still got PE . Wah lao . Anyways . I wanna go sleep now . Feeling very tired . Next tuesday going camping . Nice . But bathing only for 3 minutes ?! So short . Might as well say dont bathe more better . Sleep with houses ? I then dont want . I want to sleep with my dearest friends ! I dont want to sleep by houses ! Damn boring derhs lorhs . Well gotta go . Cant say too much . Byebyes guys !
Love Letters ,
Blogged @ 9:00 PM |

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Next tuesday going camping ? Hurray ! I have been waiting for it . This week , our class have too many homework to do . Tomorrow I still have CCA . Friday the scouts have camping . My friend says derhs . Hahas . Lucky I never join uniform group . Today I got tummy ache ? Yeah . Maybe I never eat during recess . So I need to go to my homework . Byebyes . On friday then I post . :)
Dearest ,
Blogged @ 5:02 PM |

Saturday, March 6, 2010
Konichiwa . YuTing here . Nothing to do . I only play computer . Feeling cold now . Tomorrow my dad off day ? Will die . He will nag . Just hope that he will be happy . Otherwise I will have to suffer . Anyways . Just now go bugis . Dont noe for wad ? I go there only wanna drink bubble tea . But my mother go there shop here then shop there . Camping is coming . Great . But I cant play computer for two to three days but never minds . At least got friends . Hahas . Diao . I want my old phone back ! The old phone I take to indonesia for repairing . Wad The hell . I still need to wait til when i go back there then can take . I have been waiting . Im getting no patiene already . I really want my old phone back ! Fine . I will still wait . Diao . Byebyes . Gotta go .
Lots of love ,
Blogged @ 4:27 PM |

Friday, March 5, 2010
Hello . Today was the worst day I have . Get scolding from Mr Lee ? Yes . The whole class . Because Yuchang was bullied by the boys in my class . And during Geography time , Mr Shahul didnt come so miss neo took over. The class was damn noisy . Thanks to the boys in my class keep talking talking talking . I was very angry . But i managed to relax . Then mother tougue class . Also get scolded by the chinese teacher . But not me . Again the boys . Too bad . Our class is the worst ones . But lucky Mr Ong never noe otherwise we need to stay back every day after school and see Mr Ong . I then dont want . I wanna go home . Take back my physics paper . Dont dare to let my dad sign . Worried he will scold me . But my total i pass by one mark only . So i decided to ask him to sign . I dont care if he scold me anot . By hook or by crook , I must get the paper sign . :) End barhs . Im tired .
Dearest friend ,
Blogged @ 4:32 PM |

SohYanLing here ,
Anyone who spam again , i will surly ban you all.
I dun care you from where where where.
Stop all those nonsense , before i will lock the blog . Or even change links
even you my who who who , i will see who will spam .
fyi , spam la . you my dog what.
fyi again , those who from yuting school , say you are .
Because my sis is your senior . HAHAHAHA.
so tell me who u , i gotten to wait outside your school .
End .
spammers , please fo , i dun care who retarded you are.
Blogged @ 1:46 PM |

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
HiHi . Today kinda busy . No house practice . Bad .
I have fever today . I dont like it .
I cant drink my favourite drink .
So bad . Anyways . Tomorrow is E-learning day .
No school . At least heng no school . Otherwise
need medical leave ! I dont want . Mrs Yau didnt come today . Our
class totally went mad like this . For girls . It did . We shouted .
But lucky , nobody hear . Thank god .
Well . Now going to watch show .
Byebyes .
Lots of love,
Blogged @ 4:01 PM |