Monday, May 31, 2010
Heyy ! :D
Sorry for not posting yesterday . I forgot to post liaos . :)
Well , Im going out with Clarissa and YanLing .
Amy and Siti dont wanna go .
So only the three of us go . I hope we will be happy :) .
Left 4 more days :) This friday Im going to Indonesia !
Waited for so long liaos . I wanna go back and relax :)
So byebyes :B
Blogged @ 9:18 AM |

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Mmm . Im going out soon . Too bored liaos .
Home too stuffy :)
Phone prepaid getting low . So dont plan to sms so much .
Now adays , getting lazy liaos .
Going to indonesia next week .
Not sure whether monday got go out anot .
Phone battery going lesser and lesser ): Need charge .
Well , gotta go :) Byebyes !
Blogged @ 1:30 PM |

Friday, May 28, 2010
I change my blogskin already . Im so tired . More tired than yesterday .
My prepaid is getting lesser and lesser . Tomorrow ?
I not sure got go out anot . If have , I rock ! L0L !
Went out with my mother just now . Bought bubble tea and drink .
Drink drink drink . Finish ?! I still want . But Im already at the bus stop .
Getting ready to go home . :) Got home . Edit everything in my blog .
Then , I post my pictures on it .
By the way ! Thanks ShuZhen ! Thanks for helping me changing the blogskin ! :)
And Christine , cheer up . Hope ue enjoy your holidays :D !
Well , I gotta go ! Byebyes :D
Blogged @ 4:51 PM |

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Last day of school ~ Bored . Cant joke with my friends liaos . ):
Tomorrow going out . Sians . Today's training was damn shiok arhs .
I was totally like a mad person when I got home .
Run here and there . Hit the ball . Hand pain .
Then water break only have two to three times nia .
Im very confused ! Had a very bad day in school .
Coach didnt scold me . But I was very tired .
I felt as if my eyes are going to close .
Saw JunYong , Nick and Gary just now . Two of them took the same bus as me .
YanLing keep on say JunYong this and that . Make the two others guys look at me .
Ohh my godd ! Fine , nothing else to say . Byebyes ! :D
Blogged @ 6:20 PM |

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Heyy guys ! Not quite in a good mood right ?
Same as my class pupils . They are not feeling very good now .
Fare up so many times today .
Joel keep on asking me to relax .
After school , nothing better to do .
Went up to the 4th floor with Clarissa , Siti , YanLing and Amy .
Calling people's names for nothing .
Bored marhs . Thats why . :)
L0L ! Cant buy Class Tee . Sob Sob . My mother dont let .
Damn . Forget it . Tomorrow got training .
For 3 hours . OMG ! Will be very tiring .
Next friday going back to Indonesia liaos . Yessh !
Last day of school tomorrow . Holiday is coming !
So hyper ! Next monday going to watch movie . Aiyorhs .
Well , next time then chat barhs . Byebyes !
Blogged @ 3:50 PM |

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
This morning , we went to Bukit Chandu . It was damn boring .
We only have 15 minutes break . Not enough lorhs .
I dont wanna talk bout that trip arhs .
Went home at 2 plus . Damn late .
Tomorrow getting report book ! Shit ! ~Im scared !
As if its real !
Nothing much to post . Byebyes !
Blogged @ 4:55 PM |

Monday, May 24, 2010
Didnt go for volleyball . Sob . I threw Jean alone there . Warhs !
I had tummy ache . Tomorrow going for learning journey .
Woots ! Cant use handphone ! Wad the hell !
Today in school was total silence . Secondary 2 and 3 went for camp .
Saw Jun Yong and Nick on the way home .
Nick took the same bus as me . Saw Jun Yong after the school bus stop .
Aiyorhs . Mdm Ang still ask my mother to write letter .
My mother dont noe how to write . So ask my sister write lorhs .
Im damn bored .
Tomorrow then post barhs ! Byebyes ! My show have start !
Blogged @ 5:29 PM |

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Planing to go out later with my mom .
Staying at home too much was a damn boring thingy .
Aiyarhs . Later still need to do the D and T thing then let YanLing copy tomorrow .
Damn wad sia .
Tomorrow got CCA . I feel like not going .
Training damn sians derhs lorhs .
I rather go home play computer than go for training .
Im missing out my favourite show tomorrow .
Because of the training .
Sians larhs ! Next time then post barhs !
Blogged @ 12:34 PM |

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Went for CIP at Amk Ave 10 bk 406 to 401 .
Damn tiring . But was fun .
Waited for Joel and YanLing at Amk Primary .
She arrive first .
Joel was late . So we ask him to blanjah me . :P
I feel like doing CIP again . It was good .
My group do two blocks . Block 404 and 401 .
Block 401 was damn shiok sia !
It contains totally 25 stories . Ohh my godd !
Ziegler , Wei Qiang took the old newspaper , old clothes and old magazines
down .
They left us alone at the 16th storey .
Wad the hell . Waited for the lift for damn long .
So we took the staircase to the 10th storey .
We saw Mr Ng . Ooooo . Plus Seng Han .
Again , we waited for the lift too .
It was long . Wasted our time .
Then , we went by the stairs again .
Tiring sia . I was sweating like mad .
Joel damn slack . Anyways , back to wad I was saying again .
L0L ! The whole lot of us were down stair making all the recycling things
neatly .
After that , we carry it all the way to block 406 .
Laugh ! Mr Lee talking to two people there .
He give us an half and hour break . I didnt go .
After they went , the truck came .
I was like diao .. People didnt go , truck didnt come .
Once people go for their break , the truck came .
Lucky , I was there to help ! L0L !
Well , although it was an tiring day , but i still enjoy it !
L0L ! Well , gotta to go now ! Byebyes !
Blogged @ 4:28 PM |

Friday, May 21, 2010
Back to my blog .
Wad the heck larhs . During this week and last week , we keep on quarreling .
But today , I totally become a mute for not quarrel back .
I dont wanna quarrel liaos . Im tired of it .
It wont do anything good even if we quarrel right ?
Hate here , Hate there . I cant solve it .
The only way for me to dont get into quarrel is to shut up .
So I shut up .
Bla , Bla , Bla .
Im talking rubbish as ue will say .
Wadever . Im going to stop here . Byebyes !
Blogged @ 4:31 PM |

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Hiie ! I actually wanna lodge a complain to Mrs Lau bout my class boys .
But I gave them a chance . Hope that they really dont went too much for the next time .
Dont actually feel like talking too much in this blog .
Sorry YanLing . I noe its my fault . Sorry ): .
Got back the results ? My maths paper was the first .
I get 91 over 100 . Wow ! I didnt noe that I can get that .
But Ashton got the same marks as me . Wad the hell .
Forget it . Aiyarhs .
Next time then post larhs .
Nights guys !
Blogged @ 8:24 PM |

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Got back our SA papers today .
I pass all my subject ! Woots !
Well ! Cant talk much !
Gotta go ! :)
Blogged @ 4:32 PM |

Monday, May 17, 2010
Hahas ! Just come back from Amk Hub .
Went there to buy Nokia touch screen phone . Woots .
Finally got it . :D
Well , damn tired of sorting all my data .
I still need to transfer all my data to my new phone . Wth .
Never mind . Laughs .
Next time then chat barhs . :)
Blogged @ 8:26 AM |

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Everything patch up just from an misunderstanding .
I cry . I thought YanLing is angry with me .
Guess wad she said . " Unless Angie says sorry to her , otherwise she wont let us talk to Amy . "
Guo fen rights ? So I cry for like ... Mmmm . Let me think .
On the way to school , then to the canteen then to the parade square .
Almost wasted my time crying there . Forget it .
I had enough ! So I went to the toilet and wash my face . My eyes almost went red . But Angie still hate YanLing .. :( How am I suppose to let the both of them to be back as friends again ?
I wish that all of us , Clarissa , Karene , Siti , Christine , Ching Ling , Amy , Me , YanLing and Angie plus Hui Lin and Syairah and Wynn could be real good friends .
But some of them dont like this girl and that girl .
Trying to find some ways to let Angie patch up with Karene . Karene patch up with YanLing . And Angie patch up with YanLing .
But I find that its very difficult . Im feeling damn bad . I really do wish to hope
that all of them could get along real well .
But looks like it cant . So the only way is to ask clarissa to help me with it .
Try to convince them . And talk to them .
But if this cannot work , then I should dont care them already .
We get back our maths paper 1 today . I get the highest marks in the class .
Woots . Hahas . Defeated Joel Teo . Yeah !
well , I gotta go . Byebyes . Next time then post . :)
Blogged @ 11:12 AM |

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Examinations is over . Finally . thought that I would have a great day celebrating with my friends , Amy , YanLing and Angie at AMK Hub , But it would turn out this way . But Quek YanLing also guo fen wad . She got attitude problem . Likes to back stab people . And she is rude to people who cares bout her . I wanna treat Amy and her drinks . But she misunderstood me . Say me bad things . Fine .
I dont care . Everytime , things that I am wrong bout her , I will say sorry .
But everything she do wrong to me , makes me hurt deeper at a time . She didnt even say sorry . Wad kind of attitude is this ? Because of Keith , she change so much . Blame ours for changing her . Going to become like sheryl liaos . Misunderstood me still dare to be angry with me . Fine . I will play with her then . I dont care bout her liaos . She says I will cry . I wont .
Oi Stalker . Ue think ue wad . Scold me . Ue are the one who misunderstood me . And yet still dare to be angry with me ? dont think that ue are a prefect that means ue are big . Anyways . All I noe is , ue dont even understand bout me .
Everything I do wrongly to ue , I will say sorry . But ue didnt say sorry to me when ue said those harsh things to me . Ue say ue wanna fuck me . How the hell could ue say that ? no wonder keith wanna break relationships with ue . Sheryl says it was Darrell who change her . Ue say its was Keith who change ue . i think is ue change yourself derhs barhs . Im writing these to ue cause I dont want ue to misunderstood me . Believe it or not .
Blogged @ 3:00 PM |

Friday, May 7, 2010
Walao . Im kinda having a good day and bad day today . Snarebye larhs ..
This morning , I took the same bus as WeeLeong . I thought that the bus inside got place to sit .
But there was not so much place to sit , so I had to walk past him .
He let me walk past sei . I laugh quietly to myself . Damn funny . Then I went to the canteen and find my friends .
I was being told that WeiQiang told WeeLeong I like him . So after school , I got my revenge .
Hahahas ! Joking . After school , WeiQiang keep talking to us . Then he say my nick Fiona .
I got real fare up then I started using my maths file and kill him . He damn funny . Because of him , I almost fall down as the grass patch was damn slippery . Then Amy and I went and hit him . We laugh together . HAHAHA ! We shut the back gate door quickly so that he wont be able to come out . Then WeeLeong was laughing with his friends . I was like wad the .. Then YanLing came . Amy , Angie and I went to make her laugh . But she didnt laugh lerhs . We laugh in the end . It was so funny when we were in the bus . We say jokes and make each other laugh like siao . Hahas . Then I went home .
Anyways , next monday We will be having Maths and Geography paper . Im so scared ! Just joking . I will pass derhs ! I will do my best in it ! Ganbatte ! :) Good luck 1A1 ! Hope ue guys will pass too ! :D
Blogged @ 2:16 PM |

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
This few days happen alot of things ..
I dont wish to talk about it as it makes me feel so hurt ..
Wad is wrong with ue ? Am i very scary ? Why must ue ignore me when i say hi to ue ? Wad the hell . I do hate ue for being so rude . And ue ask me if im angry with ue anot , Im not angry . Cause I already decided to forget bout ue , stupid . Dont stare at me as if Im the one with just slap your face . I had enough of it . The two msg that ue send to me were harsh enough for me to cry for the three days . And i dont wanna cry for it . Cause im already old enough to be strong .
I am your mei also lerhs . Ue also ignore me . Fine . If ue wanna ignore me right , I tell ue wad . I am not going to say hello to ue anymore since ue dont appreciate it . And I wont bother ue anymore . People insult your CCA . They say bad things bout ue , I already help ue . But ue dont think so . I think ue dont appreciate me being your mei barhs . Forget it . I can still remain as your mei . But I wont do anything bout it . I noe im not perfect . And i tell ue . NOT EVERYONE IS PERFECT ! Forget it . I will forget and forgive . So im not going to think of anything else except study !
Blogged @ 4:30 PM |