Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Not quite in a mood . ):
Gain weight ! Im fat ! Omg !
Going on a diet starting from tomorrow onwards ! ^^
Afraid to go health & fitness .
I want back my recess time with my friends !
Yesterday was Dongho's birthday ^^ Happy birthday !
Late wishes .. Cause no time to blog ..
Sob .
Well , bye now . :)
Blogged @ 4:03 PM |

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Not much time to on computer and blog liaos .
Maybe later going out .
Homework all done .
byebyes .
Blogged @ 2:23 PM |

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Fuck ue larhs !
Nag nag nag ! Enough liaos larhs !
Damn it .
Ue everytime nag , to think i very shuang like that .
I noe im useless , do ue think ue care ?
I photocopy wrong , ue so good go photocopy larhs !
Dumbass .
Talk talk talk . I scold ue , ue say i talk back to ue .
Just pretend that im not exist larhs !
Im not a PUSHOVER !
Ue think ue nag got use merhs ?
Im like that one .
Chicken .
Say ue very busy , i also very busy lerhs .
My homework not done yet .
If i was the one who nag at ue , how would ue feel ?
I had enough of ue to nag at me .
I already told ue that my mood is not good at all since ue told me that daddy want me to photocopy something .
I shouted because i dont wanna go . Cause i noe that i will make mistakes .
But ue lerhs ? Keep asking me to go go go . Like i wont make mistakes like that .
I now damn fare up liaos . Still there bang bang bang , as if i not angry like that .
Ue guys dont exactly noe how i felt .
Ue all only noe how to scold me . Dont ue noe that every one makes mistakes .
Not every one is perfect .
Talk like ue very good like that .
Blogged @ 12:28 PM |

Monday, June 21, 2010

Real Name: Shin Dong Ho (신동호)
Birth date: June 29, 1994 (1994-06-29)
Family: Parents, Older Brother
Talents: Golf, Drums, Chinese, Soccer
Facts: He is fluent in Mandarin. He is the Magnae or youngest of the group. He is also known as TOTOY CORNROWS.
Well , LOL ..
He is cute .. Dongho .
Well , get on with the topic .
Later gotta rush my homework . And see whether how many homework i can do . :)
Nothing to do marhs .
So write tomorrow . byebyes .
Blogged @ 2:35 PM |

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Went to watch karate Kid yesterday with my aunt .
Steve keep calling me uncle . As if i care like that .
Wad the heck .
I dont even gave it a damn lorhs .
Yesterday went back home , I vomitted .
Eat too full liaos barhs .
I wish my dad a happy father's day . :)
Blogged @ 2:31 PM |

Friday, June 18, 2010
Hey ! Today's training kinda good .
Must train hard liaos .
Otherwise will tio scolding derhs . :)
We stay back for awhile for practice and went off at 12 plus .
Saw " peoples " that I noe .
Bought the Indoor court shoes .
Next tuesday then pay money .
Looking forward to next tuesday 's training .
JiaYou :)
And now , Im off to do my homework .
Blogged @ 4:49 PM |

Thursday, June 17, 2010
How was holiday ? Left one more week before school reopens .
Lets enjoy ourselves .
Father's day is coming . Wad are ue guys planing to give to your dad ?
Or how are ue guys planing to celebrate ?
Well , I havent decide yet .
Tomorrow got training . Hope it wont rain .
Yesterday , it was still raining after my training .
Floor was flooded with water . My shoes are wet .
Yucks . Not so comfortable after all .
Feel like going out this saturday . But not sure going where ?
Im feeling freaking bored here .
Thats because I have nothing to do .
After playing computer , I had to go and complete my homework .
I done my English Newspaper , English comprehension , Maths ,
History & Design & Technology .
For chinese , Im still working on it .
Science , Physics , I will do when i get back to school .
Biology , I will do last .
Home Econs , school reopen then do since I had no Powerpoint .
So that all left for my homeworks .
I very guaii derhs . Joking .
Well , thats all . Gotta go . Byebyes :)
Blogged @ 3:01 PM |

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
CCA was fun for today .
Learn for to spike the ball .
But the shoes are expens .. $75 ..
How am I going to open my mouth to ask ?
Still need to buy FBT shorts and the Volleyballers shirt .
Diao .. Muscle was cramping today .
Pain ..
But I dont care .
Saw JunYong and Joel today ..
Maybe they got camp .
Sajb also got camp .. Saw Jackie and WeiXuan at school today ..
Feeling real tired today .
Feel like sleeping but I dont want .
Well , tomorrow then post barhs . Byebyes :D
Blogged @ 3:15 PM |

Monday, June 14, 2010
Hey ..
Im looking forward for my cousins' arrival in July .
Im bored at home .
Nothing to do .
Today's training .
Im very tired .
Do run , hit and smack .
I dont noe how to say larhs .
Byebyes !
Blogged @ 3:57 PM |

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Wad the hell ! Ue also never show me which on to cut . Of course I will cut wrong larhs . I would I noe ? I dont even noe lorhs . Ue also never say .
Still scold me . Wad the f larhs !
I everytime got scolding then scold larhs .
Like Im a punching bag like that !
Everytime I let ue scold .
I very bu shuang liaos lorhs .
Dont understand how I felt .
Ue everytime say things say half way .
Never finish the sentence faster derhs .
Ue everytime like that one .
Im sick and tired of it liaos larhs .
Im now in a change of mood liaos larhs ! ><
Blogged @ 11:49 AM |

Friday, June 11, 2010
Hey ! Must be bored now .
Nothing to do today .
I have just finish one of my homework . :)
Very difficult .
Some questions I dont even noe how to do .
:D Well , thats for now . Byebyes :)
Blogged @ 2:17 PM |

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Hey ! Im back ^^ .
Days at there was so bored ~
Nobody talk to me .
They didnt even ask for my number or tell me that they change number .
I felt like I was invisible to them or something .
Talk to them only a little .
My friend Ah Qing , told me that she change her number .
She talk to me :)
My cousins ? They didnt talk to me nor tell me that they change their phone number .
I felt awful .
But I didnt care .
Mmm .
Went to TanJung Pinang on monday .
More bored there .
Half way between the trip , my shoe spoil .
So unlucky .
Buy new shoes .
My cousin coming to singapore during july .
Hope they talk to me .
Well , nothing to talk about liaos . Byebyes :D
Blogged @ 7:24 PM |

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Hey guys ! Now currently in my cousin's house .
Tomorrow , Im gonna travel to another country .
Abit tired larhs .
Miss my friends soo much ! ):
Feel like not going back to school .
But must go back cause got CCA .
Bored to tears now !!! ><
Nothing to say liaos .
byebyes ! :)
Blogged @ 2:04 PM |

Friday, June 4, 2010
Hey guys ! Im going to indonesia today ..
Miss ue guys lots .. LOL !
Byebyes ! Not gonna post maybe for one week liaos . :) Bye !
Blogged @ 8:42 AM |

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Just now helping my mother to cook . :)
Tomorrow going to indonesia at 11.40 a.m.
So early . I still wanna play my computer .
Maybe I will wake up early and play . :D
Dont noe wad snacks to buy to eat in the ferry .
Oh gosh ! Phone no bat liaos . Later I go and charge .
Well , nothing to say .
Byebyes :) . Busy now .
Blogged @ 1:23 PM |

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Woots ! Left one more day left ! ... Staying at home really makes me feel stuffy .
Just now went to bishan and eat chicken rice .
Im so full .
Lucky I didnt eat breakfast .
Well , now watching show . So next time then post barhs . byebyes :)
Blogged @ 2:31 PM |

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Yesterday :D
Went out with Clarissa to J8 .
At first , went to the library with YanLing .
Reach the library , no books to borrow .
Then I ask her whether she can go to J8 with us .
She say her mother dont let her go .
So I went to take MRT .
Meet Clarissa at bread talk .
Then went to the movie there and buy ticket .
We watch Shrek Forever After .
Quite nice derhs .
After that , we went to the popular .
Nothing to do then went home liaos .
Amy went out with Syairah .
Siti didnt go . Too bad .
Today :)
Later going out to buy ferry ticket .
This friday going indonesia . 2 more days nia .
Sians . At home I also dont noe wad to do .
Anyways , post tomorrow . Byebyes :D
Blogged @ 10:56 AM |