Friday, July 30, 2010
Not feeling in a right mood today .
Because of two basket .
They disturbed me during maths class and also chinese and english .
Because of them , my mood changes .
I hate them alot . One day never say will die arhs ? Then go die larhs .
Who cares bout them anyway .
Tomorrow going out . Then Sunday going for the big walk .
Sian .. Im so tired .
Byebyes .
Blogged @ 3:49 PM |

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Heyy ! Long time never post already .
Im not gonna online tomorrow since next week got History test .
Must revise . :)
Well , gotta go now . Nights ^^
Blogged @ 9:10 PM |

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Nothing much to say larhs . I will just roughly say wad has happen .
I was at home , trying to figure out something ( forgotten now . )
Then , looked at the time , and realised that it was 6.45 a.m .
Then I went to to the bus stop and waited for the bus .
Waited for a long time ..
Took the same bus as YanLing .
She talk to me . She say WeeLeong took the same bus behind of ours .
I just say ohh okays .
Reach school at bout 6.55 a.m to 7.00a.m .
YanLing , Siti , Amy , Karene and I went to the locker .
Saw those prefects already gather there , we went to through by the third floor .
We were like mad womens , running and screaming .
YanLing was the only one who was only walking and not screaming .
Went to the hall as it was raining .
Clarissa went up to the hall first . Karene also .
Assembly period was boring lorhs . Read .. Read .. Read ..
Went to the science lab and do experiments .
Dont noe how to open the gas thingy ..
Still wear the stupid spectacles . So ugly ..
Then bell rings .
The test was much easier than those that Miss Piak gave us .
Was a bad lesson . Dont even bother to mention it .
Eat . Eat . Eat :)
My third time of sawing that guy ..
Mr Lee not in a good mood .
Let him lecture us .
Mrs Chang didnt come to school . I think she not feeling well barhs .
Mr Phillai was good . Love his lessons ^^
Went to TP with Clarissa , YanLing and Amy .
My fourth time of sawing him again .. Godd .
2 plus went back to school .
Coach didnt come today . So Natalie took over us .
Had a fun training today :)
Well , thats all I have to say . I noe its lame larhs . Because I dont have anything to say marhs .
Mmm , gotta go . Byebyes :)
Blogged @ 8:56 PM |

Monday, July 19, 2010
Wad a damn day ..
Joy didnt go for training .
Then we sec ones were like slacking .
Then after a while , Natalie fall down .
Hurt her ankle again .
She cried .
To Natalie :
Senior ! Cheer up ! Be happy ! :) Ue are my best senior in secondary three ^^
From Yu Ting .
Hope she will be okay ..
Well , gotta go . Got flu and sore throat . Need rest ^^
Blogged @ 8:00 PM |

Friday, July 16, 2010
Mmm ..
Mmmm ..
Mmmmm ..
Im tired today .
I ask Mrs Yau for english remedial .
I wanna sleep !
Tomorrow going ot and watch movie .
Wad a crap ..
Stay at school until 5 plus .
Then saw those scouts cooking .
YanLing there still say her dog this and that .
Gosh ! Cant bear it already !
Go sleep now !
Blogged @ 9:05 PM |

Monday, July 12, 2010
Not feeling too good today .
Quarrel with my best friend .
Not counted as quarrel barhs .
She scold me and Clarissa F ue .
We dont even noe wad she is angry about .
If she got anything unhappy or angry , even is unhappy and angry with us ,
she also must tell us wad .
Well , forget this .
Clarissa and Me say sorry to her .
But she sms me and said if me and clarissa sms her or call her again , she will break friendship with us .
Wad logic is this ?!
Too straightforward liaos barhs !
If ue wanna say things out , dont even need to say too straightforward marhs !
Ue dont even noe whose heart ue might hurt if ue say that out .
Think before ue say marhs .
I trust that ue are not that petty .
But not sure if my opinion is true or not .
Wad ue want me to do then ?!
I say sorry , then ue told me dont sms ue nor call ue .
I dont even noe wad ue want . Clarissa also dont noe .
My mood totally ruins just like this .
Do ue really understand me ?
If ue do , do ue really understand how I felt being in between of my friends that are both enermies ?
Do ue ?
That kind of feeling I doubt that ue wont understand .
Thats the kind of feeling that Im feeling for the past few months before school reopens .
Being in between of Angie and Amy , I wanna talk to who , I cant even decide .
I still need to see whether wad if i talk to Angie , how would Clarissa and Amy felt .
If I talk to Amy and Clarissa , how would Angie felt .
Somehow , I rather go die than to be in between things that I would not like to be in .
Forget it .. I dont think ue will understand barhs ..
Coach today quite nice larhs .
But my mood remains the same .
Dont wish people to let me see my moody mood , I try to hide it .
But my mood suddenly comes out when I was playing the ball with Syairah , Jean , Jermaine and Aqilah .
Dont say liaos larhs .
Not in a mood to say now .
Going to school tomorrow late .
Dont wish to make someone feel upset again ...
Blogged @ 9:03 PM |

Friday, July 9, 2010
Yesterday 's training was like a shit .
Some more hit the ball while touching the floor was difficult .
Must work hard next time .
Mr Lee didnt come to school today .
Maths class was cover by test . So bored lorhs .
Then science test was also test .* Fainted *
Mother Tougue the class was totally not paying attention .
History .. Mr Pillai let us go for the character involvement late .
Lucky Mr Ong didnt stare at us ..
After that , stay back until 2pm .
Tio stare by some people then I just went home .
Lucky today no homework .
Otherwise , I will confirm faint one .
But only got one homework . That is Art .
Miss Tan says home econs during recess must go look for her for the project .
But then , she didnt even appear lorhs .
Didnt keep her promise .
Alamat .
Well , thats all for today . Byebyes !
Blogged @ 6:19 PM |

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Woots . Didnt post for a long time already . hahas .
Not enough time to post .
Thats why I didnt post . LOL .
Tomorrow got training somemore .
My cousin come to singapore yesterday .
Not busy is fake one lorhs .
LOL . Well , gotta go .
Byebyes . :)
Blogged @ 4:13 PM |

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Heyy .
Not quite right in the mood .
It happened in literature class .
WuXuan was irritating me and Clarissa .
He use the annoying orange thing and transform the sentence to say Clarissa .
Wad the hell . I cant stand it especially his voice .
So cheap ..
During CCA ..
Bad things happened .
Quarreling starts .
Not quite sure why that will happened .
The senior as me to tug in my shirt when i was doing the rolling part .
I already tug in . Its just that the shirt came out .
I did try to tug in whenever it came out .
Whoever it is , I wont say her name .
But she knows who she is .
I dont even noe wad went wrong until she shout at me say tug in my shirt .
It wasnt on purposed that i didnt tug in .
Forget it .
Well , hope tomorrow will be a happy day :)
Blogged @ 8:11 PM |