Tuesday, August 31, 2010
We celebrate teacher's day . Hahas !
Went to lower pierce reservoir in the morning after assembly and eating fruits .
The grass was so dirty , made my shoes chocolate abit .
So many flies .. But manage to take some photos ^^
Then after that , we went back to school .
Stay in canteen for awhile , then we go up hall for concert .
Before the concert starts , Me and Clarissa , Amy and YanLing together , we went to find the teachers and give them the presents .
Then we run back to the hall .
Concert was quite nice larhs . Not bad . Elizabeth imitating Mr Ong . So funny !
We all laugh like mad .
After that , we went to amk hub and walk since amkps gate open at 1.00pm .
Then receive Joel's sms , that the gate is open .
Me and YanLing walk to amkps ..
Reach the school chat with some of the teachers and friends .
LaySiong taller than me . LOL . I hit his bag , he turn and look at me . hahas .
Talk to Barry , Sze Yi , HuiXian , Darryl , YanQi , Sheryl , Faheem , Fauzi , Rini and more .
For some , I dont even feel like talking . For the other some , i forgotten .
Maybe ue be thinking that I didnt talk to ue . Why must I talk to ue ?
Dont ue think that ue very wad ? I didnt even bother to talk to ue .
Cause I dont care bout ue . Wad the freaking ass are ue doing also ?
Called Sheryl names . Think wad , ue very big arhs ? Freaky . Dont wanna say out . Purposely avoided ue . Cause I dont feel like talking to ue .
Blogged @ 3:47 PM |

Friday, August 27, 2010
Wad is totally happening right now ?
Why ue guys keep saying i siding her ?
I not siding anyone now ! I dont wanna cause myself also .
Its not that I dont wanna help , its just that , I had the same problem last year .
Forget it .
Freak , my english compo only get 15/30 ?!
Why so poor ?!
Eat shit sia ...
Even Amy also . Feel like slapping myself .
Study so hard already still get this kind of result .
Surely get scolding one larhs ! Dumbass !
Why am i so stupid ? End of year exams are also coming .
Why so fast ? Come fast for wad ? Teacher want go where merhs ?
Anything i do now , must be careful . Must jiayou liaos !
JiaYou ! JiaYou ! Zai JiaYou !
Blogged @ 5:07 PM |

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Rush home today after school for pray .
Not getting any easier in school ..
Those quarreling between two of my friends ..
Sigh , I wonder wad to do with them . Try to convince or persuade them .
But they dont wanna listen . My fear of friendship problems has return ..
I dont like this feeling .. Really dont like ..
But why will it come out again ? Do i need to care them or just pretend nothing happen ?
I dont noe ! Sigh ..
I flunk my physics .. I scared my dad will scold me ..
I hate physics . My worst subject ..
A bad day for me , gonna go now .
Blogged @ 2:57 PM |

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Yesterday kenna caught by Mrs Ng because of my necklace .
If i noe this would happen , i wont help Angie and take the Class dairy liaos .
Plus i shouldnt bow so down , that my necklace came out . Monday still need to see her . One word to say , die .
Never mind . Hope she wont say anything again .
Going out later to my aunt's house .
Stay at home is real damn bored . Facing 4 walls .
Not much shows to show today . So not going to watch .
Gotta go now .
ByeByes :)
Blogged @ 11:33 AM |

Friday, August 20, 2010
Not gonna online too often .
Dont noe why . Maybe play til bored already .
Yesterday training was damn shiok . 2 plus start til 6 .
Exam was over . Happyy . Rain too heavy this morning .
By the time i reach school , i was wet . My science paper too .
I pass my chinese 30/40 . Not too good .
Why cant i get higher than this ? Why cant i be the top one ?
Maths , clarissa got 29/30 . Shock right ?
Why cant i do everything well ? Especially the subject that i like the most now , Maths .
Why ? Why ? Why ?
Stupid me , Stupid me , Stupid me .
I will never reach my mother's expectations , 3rd in class .
Hate science . Boring subject . I think i might flunk my physics .
Boyy , how am i going to reach my own expectations ?
Getting A for all subjects for my dad to be happy .
Im not gonna bother anymore . Not anymore .
I would like to try to concentrade during lessons now . I wanna try one more time during SA2 . JIA YOU JIA YOU JIA YOU !
Anyway , I would like to wish my gan jie a happy birthday .
Well , I might stop here now . Byebyes :)
Blogged @ 4:43 PM |

Sunday, August 15, 2010
_ _ _ _ _ , im sorry that i cant be your mei already .
Ue should noe wad ue did .
Firstly , your attitude really become bad liaos .
Even though , ue sometimes smile and say hi to me , I still reply back .
But to YanLing , ue break relationship with her for no reason .
She can forget it .
But now ue still backstab her and talk behind her back .
Are ue counted as a senior that we can follow ?
Ue should not do that with your friends .
Fine , i dont wanna care bout ue .
I only be friends with ue . Believe whoever ue like since ue dont believe me .
_ _ _ _ _ _ , I didnt stare at ue . Even if i did , only once .
Cause u remind me of my friend during kindergarden .
Really alike . But if ue say i stare at ue alot of times then im sorry .
I think i regret of coming to this school .
Although its good , but i dont think i enjoy it .
I met alot of good friends and fun mates .
Forget it barhs . Maybe Tian Yi ..
Blogged @ 3:45 PM |

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Im going to combine the events for yesterday and today together .
Saturday :):)
Went to my cousin's house to celebrate his daughter's birthday .
My cousin suddenly ask me and my best cousin , Lin Chiat why we two didnt talk to each other .
I also dont noe why . But after that we got play .
Her younger brother WeiLun wanted to play with us marhs . But we are not playing . We are teaching each other . He go use the balloon and hit the both of us .
He still cry somemore . WAD LOGIC IS THIS ?!
I dont care bout him lorhs . Still say vulgarities .
My mother's birthday ^^ . Planning to treat her outside and eat .
MUCH ! :)
Well , nothing much to say already . DADA ! ^^
Blogged @ 12:52 PM |

Friday, August 6, 2010
Wad is it happening to me ? Why ? Why ? Why ?
Suffering from friendship problems since last year til now .
Why cant I had a pleasant year without any problems ?
I felt that im useless in this friendship problems .
I rather change my school or not coming to school .
I hate this feeling alot . Alot ..
I dont even wanna cry because of this topic .
All I want is to have no problems and nothing else .
But why cant I have all the friends that I want to be with together nicely ?
YanLing , I never say that ue must be with Siti okays . Its up to ue whether ue want anot .
And , I remember that ue never ask me that ue want to partner me to science centre lorhs .
I ask Clarissa straight away when I receive the science centre form .
Wad I never keep my words .. Is Amy book me derhs lerhs . I also got partner her marhs . The whole day today ue stick with Clarissa lerhs . Blame me for ?
Ue keep on saying that guy's name , I was already piss off . But ue dont even noe . Are true friends suppose to be like that ?
Forget it . I dont want to care bout everything bout quarreling over friendship liaos . Im sick and tired of it ..
Blogged @ 3:29 PM |

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
A sudden feeling of tired for everything .
Talking , Smsing , studying .
Not sure why .
I felt really tired this few days . Especially English lesson . Mrs Yau's lesson .
Maths class felt so okays . D and T felt so boring . IPW also .
Wad should I do ?
I felt like I was so lazy . Two more weeks then exam liaos .
Must jiayous liaos .
Maybe I should rest liaos barhs ..
Blogged @ 5:35 PM |

Sunday, August 1, 2010
Went for the stupid new moon big walk this morning .
It was raining damn heavy lorhs .
Got thunder some more .
Feel like not going .
But then i still go . Sms karene . Ask her wad time to go .
6.30 a.m. went out of house , turn here and there until i had reach my bus stop .
The bus didnt stop at Karene's bus stop . Wad the heck . Dont even noe he got see anot .
Waited for her at the school bus stop .
My shoes were wet because of the puddles .
Reach Pasir Ris at about 8 plus .
Keith also got go . Sians .
Th e big walk make my shoes all became chocolate sweet shoes .
So dirty lorhs . Went home after that .
Im so tired . Those who provoke me tomorrow will die .
Im gonna slack for tomorrow's lessons . Depends on wad lesson it is .
Blogged @ 4:55 PM |