Sunday, October 31, 2010
Ue told me before , friends are a part of our lives .
They are even important to us .. I agree . But I dont kind of think that it is real now . If ue really treat me as your best friend , why dont ue trust me ? Didnt i told ue before I wont betray my friends . But , in the end , ue still call me betrayer .
I cant help with it , but keep wondering , wad is exactly wrong with ue ?
Sometimes , i like your smile . But it makes me happy <> ..
But most of the time ue give everyone a very black face where i hated it the most .
if ue really treat a lot of them in our class as friends , will ue say bad things behind their back or bad things that they do not want to hear ? I now then noe that , why ue & my best friend in primary quarrel together . Ue say her a lot of bad things in front of her . Ue even say that all the boys she likes , will never fall for her .
But do ue ever think of her feelings ? I bet no right ? Ue ruin my day off on friday , did I ever blame ue on ruining my day everytime ? Ue keep complaining to me that they all keep siting with me . Ue only get to sit with me sometimes .
Did ue ever think of the times that I kept sticking with ue ? The most time that I spend with a person is ue , get it ? Maybe I do not noe what ue are thinking .
Yeah , I really dont noe wad ue are thinking . Its not as if im begging for your forgiveness . Ue are the one who is in the wrong , not me . Dont call me betrayer without getting the facts right . For once , I did really wish to quarrel with ue ..
But I do not want to . So if ue are reading this now , maybe your reaction might be angry , sad or whatever . But i might not even care . My quarreling with my best friend , is not worst than ue . I quarrel with her , at least we will get back together maybe for two to three days . But ue lerhs ? Do ue think that , once ue say something that has offence her feelings , ue cant even take the sentence back ? Do ue noe that ? Well , forget it . Im not really so called " arguing with ue " . Im just saying my feelings about myself .. If ue are reading this now , no offence xD .
Blogged @ 4:41 PM |

Went to giant today .. No apples were fresh .. Sigh ..
A lot of things had happen this week . I dont even want it to happen .
But it just happen like that .. Sigh .. Im tired ..
gotta go . Byebyes .
PS : Help me please , DongHo ?
Blogged @ 4:29 PM |

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Yesterday's class outing was counted as ' SHOIK ' .
Drench in the rain . Was fun than i thought ..
My mum told me not to go next year again .. Never mind .. (:
Well .. Got abit sick yesterday when I got home .. Lost of sleepness ..
Now , im so sleepy ! I watch the playful kiss . Well , I love it man !
I almost forgotten to watch Personal taste . LOL ! But its okays . Cause i watch faster than the television show .
Well , i have nothing to say today .. So byebyes !
PS : Ue noe wad ? Ue have brighten my day up (: DongHo ! ><
Blogged @ 5:07 PM |

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Last day of school , was definately not very fun . But the day was alright .
It was kind of bored . Mdm Fong & Mr Lee HJ give us a talk .
1A1 , 1E3 & 1E1 were all in the theatre room . So boring ..
Anyway .. Im starting to love the show PlayFul Kiss . Its nice and funny .. Well , sometimes sad . Thanks to Karene for the reccomending the show to me ! Thank ue very much !! Love ue !! (:
Mrs Yau return me the books that I bought .
Mmm .. My mood today is up & down ~ Tomorrow is my class outing ..
I still not sure whether I could go anot .. I ask my mum , she say go ask my dad ..
Sorry Shuzhen >< ! MianHe !!
Well , Im kind of mad bout DongHo ( U-Kiss ) , Yoseob ( Beast ) , Lee Min Ho , Kim Hyun Joong ( SS501 ) , KyuHyun ( Super Junior ) & alot more .. But the most guy that im really mad of is Dongho , Kim Hyun Joong & alot more .
They are so cute / handsome >< ! Hahas ! See , Im starting to become mad again !! BOF ( Boys Over Flowers ) also have Hyun Joong inside .. Koo Hye Sun likes him during the starting of the show but in the end she likes Min Ho .. Sobb .. Sadd ..
But never mind ^^ ..
Well , I will tell ue more tomorrow . Byebyes !! Have a nice day !!
PS : Dongho , HyunJoong , Sanranghaeyo !
Blogged @ 3:32 PM |

Monday, October 25, 2010
My mood goes down straight after hearing that im not going to express .
Not in a very good mood .. I felt that tears running down my eyes .. But I bear with it .. Such a waste for not going to express stream .. But I wanna go ..
I will try next year ! Chiong arhs !!! Anyway ..
Congrats Angie , huiLin , Mark &
Ashton for going to
Express Stream . (:
Im not exactly very happy . Its not a big deal with Bs for english & science . 75 % then can go into express .. Target too high already .. Anyway ,I will try my best next year !!
Now watching show , byebyes . Annyong !!
PS : Dongho , how are ue ? :3
Blogged @ 4:02 PM |

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Seriously , I dont like to go to school anymore . I dont noe why .
Maybe its because of the school holidays .
4 more days to it now .. I want holidays to come ..
Tomorrow is the most boring day ever . Since we still need to bring books to school . Wad the heck . Who would have to bring books to school even if there is still a few days before . Primary school life is totally different .
Im starting to miss my life in primary school . Its happy and enjoyable .
Anyway , tomorrow going to noe who are the ones going to express liaos .
Mmm . Hope I can go .. Hahas .But my english & science are so not very good enough . If I can go then good larhs . No problem already .
Well , gotta go now . Byebyes .
PS : Annyonghaseyo DongHo Oppa . (:
Blogged @ 4:05 PM |

Friday, October 22, 2010
A day as usual . Nothing to do at home .
Went to bugis to pray & bought a dress ?!
On my way there , I bought a ice cream .
Mmm .. My mum went to a shop to take a look .
Oops .. Something happen .. My phone drop when I was about to put it inside my pocket .
Lucky it didnt spoil or anything .
Then , we proceed to another shop . Wow , the clothes there were quite okays ?
After that , we went to a place where there has alot of shops inside selling clothes , shoes & pants . I saw a dress . Quite okays too . Not too pretty nor ugly . Its normal . Hahas . Not sure going out tomorrow anot . Im so tired . I dont wish to go out already ..
Well , Im going to help me mum now . Bye (:
PS : Dongho .. ^^
Blogged @ 5:02 PM |

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Mmm .. Left 7 more days to the school holidays .
To say the truth , I really dont wanna go to school ..
Its so boring . Next week still change back to normal timetable .
Worse still , after exam already still need to read storybook ..
I thought we can talk as much as we want ..
Stupid day today .. It sucks alot more than I thought .
Play floorball for the inter class competition .
We can get draw derhs . But then the opponent say that our ball not counted .
Actually is their ball not counted lorhs ..
Damn ! Now , my hand , back and the sides ACHE alot !
Then sit in the hall til 1 as usual .. With those shows .. Blah .. Blah .. Blah ..
Went to see Mr Ong at the classroom .. He say our behaviour quite okays today so he let us go off early ..
Well , thats for all now .. Mmm . No school tomorrow . Its SLACKING day !
So byebyes ^^
PS : DongHo , Im missing ue day by day .
Blogged @ 3:35 PM |

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Heyy ! Left 8 more days to school holidays ^^
Quite bored today . The after - exam - activities are boring !
The talk was straight after recess . We sat in the hall from 10.05 am - about 12 plus . I dont even noe wad they are talking .
The first talk was CMC . Its about a fight involve two of three parties .
The second one is bout drugs . That we had it in primary school , and yet they still talk again ..
The last one is for secondary twos ? Mmm .. Happy toilets ?
I wonder why they name that . I think maybe the toilets are happy ?
LOL .. We went back to classroom .
We got new timetable for next week , do survey , check CCA thing & also sign the result thing ..
I only got 1 CCA point sia . Wad the hell . Where got like that one ?
I join for one year liaos , now only give me 1 CCA point .
Then Mr Ong talk to us for a few minutes , he told us that he want to be fair .
He told 1A2 that they need to bring books everyday , so we also need to bring ..
Sigh .. I want school holidays faster come .. I want to wake up late and not early .
Mmm ... .. .. .. .. Well , gotta go now . Byebyes !
PS : DongHo oppa , ue are so cute ! ^^
Blogged @ 4:27 PM |

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Unbelievable man . I score dan well for my exams .
Im happy ! I beat Joel for 7 subjects except for Home Econs . ^^
Maths : 81 / 100 ( 3rd in class ? I think so . )
Chinese : 77 / 100 ( 2nd in class ? I think so too . )
English : 60 / 100
Science : 60 / 100
History : 87 / 100
Literature : 90 / 100
D & T : 68 / 100 ( I thought I will fail this subject . )
Home Econs : 57 / 100 ( I knew that I would pass . )
Im not quite happy with my home econs . Of Course , I just scan through and read through . I didnt even bother to read carefully .
But Im happy with my History , Maths , Chinese , English , Literature & Science .
I improve my Science & English . Thats why Im happy .
I manage to score well for my Literature , Maths & History .
Amy , YanLing & Angie also beat me by some subjects , if im not wrong .
Well , hope to strive well next year ^^ . Byebyes ^^
Blogged @ 4:41 PM |

Monday, October 18, 2010

Going back to school tomorrow . Im so scared ^^
Getting results back tomorrow . Hope its alright .
Went to Amk Hub just now . Saw alot of seniors there .
Im just so unlucky . Well , I wonder wad to bring tomorrow . I also dont noe .
Hahas . Well , gotta go now . Byebyes . Will tell ue my results tomorrow (:
PS : DongHo ^^ Miss ue (: Annyonghaseyo !
Blogged @ 4:38 PM |

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I went to IMM Giant this morning . Abit unlucky larhs .
I dont wanna mention it . Hahas .
I came back and straight away run into my bedroom and chiong computer .
I didnt play for about a month already .
I went to XINMSN to watch the Star Search last monday . Well , I saw three handsome ones . LOL ! Jeff Lin , Jeffrey Xu & Romeo Tan .
Hahas . After that , I went on to watch Personal Taste . This show makes me laugh really hard .
Not too bored today . Well , nothing else to say then . Byebyes !
Blogged @ 4:19 PM |

Friday, October 15, 2010
Heyy . I didnt post for a long time already .
Maybe some of ue guys thought that its dead .
Well , it havent . Its just that I have exams and my mum dont let me play .
So , I didnt on the computer . Today exams are over , but results are coming towards me in three days time . LOL . Had some problems in school .
And some kind of not friendship problems . Its like im jealous that he has a girlfriend and he lied to me that he do not want to have a girlfriend because of studying just to reject me .
Fine , I dont care bout him . Everytime I saw him , I just ignore him .
I treated him a a person who is not there . I dont even noe why .
Im tired . I want holiday breaks now . Not two weeks after .
I wanna cut my hair . Its is too long already ! I wanna cut short . Hahas .
Well , gotta go . Will post again either tomorrow or Sunday . ^^
Blogged @ 4:37 PM |