Monday, January 31, 2011

Hey ! What's up :D ? Im back home from training bout 1 & a 1/2 hour .
Training looks fun . But Im tired .
School with lessons today are totally damn boring .
English test & Science Test (:
I think Im gonna fail my Science test . >< !
Its hard but Mr Shahari says its very easy though -.-"
English , mmm .. I bet I will pass . ^^
Aww , Im so thick-skin :O
It has been raining for the past two days .
Yesterday , Angie had tell me that Infinite & TeenTop had new songs .
She ask me to go listen . Haha .
L.Joe & ChunJi from TeenTop .
SungYeol from Infinite .
Im getting addicted to K-pop now .
I dont noe why .
Well , anyway , its getting late . I gotta rush my homeworks .
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Volleyball wasnt fun at all yesterday . Although we had match with the seniors , but we had PT ! >< ! Im going out later to have my dinner . Anyway , Yesterday was Angie's Birthday . Haha . She has become older by 1 year . :p .
Well , gotta go . Byebye :D
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Hey guys (: ,
Lazy to post pictures today since it was too late .
I had a great day today .
Thanks everybody for the wishes & the presents too ! :D
Well , gotta go now (: Byebyes ^^
Happy Birthday to me ! :D
PS : Happy Birthday (: DongHo , Saranghaeyo !
Friday, January 14, 2011
Hello peeps ! Im blogging today (: Obviously . Haha . School is bored today . Im feeling like my eyes are going to close every lesson .
Volleyball is quite fun lah . Not say bored . But its tiring .
Well , tomorrow still need to go back school for the CCA Orientation or whatever .
So , going to sleep le . Byebyes (:
PS : Annyong guys & DongHo ^^
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Hi (: Didnt post for long time .
Totally miss my blog .
Do my Art homework . I took a longer time to draw .
My eyes feel like closing .
Anyway , my birthday is coming . Sigh .. Dont noe how to celebrate .
Never mind . Well , I will update my blog erm , this coming Saturday & Sunday .
PS : Miss you , DongHo (:
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Hey (: 2 more days to School Reopen .Anyway , I went to collect my EduSave Busary thingy .
Cool ? I saw alot of pupils from AMKPS . Wow .
I saw seniors from our school & also Karene's brother .
I saw Erica & others too . Too bad Cant sit with the person that ue wanted to talk with . Well , gotta watch show . (: Byebye (:
PS : DongHo , have a good year (:
Monday, January 31, 2011

Hey ! What's up :D ? Im back home from training bout 1 & a 1/2 hour .
Training looks fun . But Im tired .
School with lessons today are totally damn boring .
English test & Science Test (:
I think Im gonna fail my Science test . >< !
Its hard but Mr Shahari says its very easy though -.-"
English , mmm .. I bet I will pass . ^^
Aww , Im so thick-skin :O
It has been raining for the past two days .
Yesterday , Angie had tell me that Infinite & TeenTop had new songs .
She ask me to go listen . Haha .
L.Joe & ChunJi from TeenTop .
SungYeol from Infinite .
Im getting addicted to K-pop now .
I dont noe why .
Well , anyway , its getting late . I gotta rush my homeworks .
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Volleyball wasnt fun at all yesterday . Although we had match with the seniors , but we had PT ! >< ! Im going out later to have my dinner . Anyway , Yesterday was Angie's Birthday . Haha . She has become older by 1 year . :p .
Well , gotta go . Byebye :D
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Hey guys (: ,
Lazy to post pictures today since it was too late .
I had a great day today .
Thanks everybody for the wishes & the presents too ! :D
Well , gotta go now (: Byebyes ^^
Happy Birthday to me ! :D
PS : Happy Birthday (: DongHo , Saranghaeyo !
Friday, January 14, 2011
Hello peeps ! Im blogging today (: Obviously . Haha . School is bored today . Im feeling like my eyes are going to close every lesson .
Volleyball is quite fun lah . Not say bored . But its tiring .
Well , tomorrow still need to go back school for the CCA Orientation or whatever .
So , going to sleep le . Byebyes (:
PS : Annyong guys & DongHo ^^
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Hi (: Didnt post for long time .
Totally miss my blog .
Do my Art homework . I took a longer time to draw .
My eyes feel like closing .
Anyway , my birthday is coming . Sigh .. Dont noe how to celebrate .
Never mind . Well , I will update my blog erm , this coming Saturday & Sunday .
PS : Miss you , DongHo (:
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Hey (: 2 more days to School Reopen .Anyway , I went to collect my EduSave Busary thingy .
Cool ? I saw alot of pupils from AMKPS . Wow .
I saw seniors from our school & also Karene's brother .
I saw Erica & others too . Too bad Cant sit with the person that ue wanted to talk with . Well , gotta watch show . (: Byebye (:
PS : DongHo , have a good year (:
Site Mistress
YuTing HeartsKpops
[[ 28 May 2010 ]]
Hey! Im
Ng Yu Ting. Born at
16th January 1997. From
Singapore and studying at
Peirce Secondary School. Im hyperactive and cheerful at all times . I love my parents as much as I love my
friends .
I might go mad if ue provoke me too much . I <3 Korea , TaiWan , Japan and New York . I love to listen to music and watch my favourite shows . I <3 my parents , love ones , gans and best friends . My favourites Korea
Kpops is UKISS & others . Favourite member is Shin DongHo , KimHyunJoong , YangYoseob & more . I love going to school because I can crack jokes and have fun with my dearest friends .
School rocks !.
And dont RACISTS people in my
dearest blog. Cause I dont like it .<3
1 . Have perfect peace in class .
2 . No quarreling .
3 . Go Korea .
4 . To see UKISS , KimHyunJoong & KPOP groups (:
Loves & Hates
♥ Gans
♥ Friends
♥ UKISS , SS501 & MORE
♥ Music , Reading
X Quarreling
X Betrayers
X Liars .