Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mr Lee ask Edward to be the role model for long socks .
He : See ? His socks .
Me : * See for what . Mr Lee , He rugby lehh . =.= "
Cme watch the school days with a pig . Others watching that show .
Me & Amy & some of the girls , all the face stick to the own computer .
Went to youtube with Amy .
I watch U - Kiss de new song 0330 .
She watch After School Love Love Love .
Do the reflection but no time to submit .
Mrs Chang today very shiok . She very gan chiong .
She keep saying faster do faster do ! Do finish this one , you still have another one ! Never write marks also kenna scold .
Only this class is awesome (: Mr Lee today in good mood :D
Science test confirm fail . I don't know how to do a lot of questions .
Head very pain . Mr Tan keep walk around . Then Mr Lee come into the room & wake people up . He nothing to do ..
Miss Piak today damn hilarious . Acting weird & crazy everywhere .
Went for her remedial lesson . She damn funny . Don't know who lock the door , then she started shouting & kicking the door . Me , Amy , Syairah & Chiing Ling were laughing non-stop . We talk until Yu Chang there & she demo about how Angeline call her son Artemis like this - * two hands until her chin * CHANG CHANG ! The whole remedial class laugh like siao . Having goosebumps already .
Went home after that . Nothing else to say le . Byebye (:
PS : DongHo , cute (:
Blogged @ 5:07 PM |

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A lot of test are tomorrow & I'm gonna study for it .
Watch 0330 just now .
And , the MV is AWESOME <3 !
DongHo is the lead in the MV . CUTE :3
LOL . Well , gotta go for revision le .
Annyong (:
Blogged @ 4:24 PM |

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My leg muscles are very damn , so - much painful than yesterday .
But , managed to went to Bugis just now for slacking with my mum .
Walk , Walk & Walk . My legs are too painful to walk .
Complained to my mum & my mum ask me to climb the stairs .
Tomorrow starting school again .
What crap is this man ?
Tomorrow got training , but lucky no PE .
If got PE , I die die don't want to run .
So , much for today then .
Byebye PEEPS ! :D
PS : DongHo , Annyong ! :}
Blogged @ 5:30 PM |

Friday, March 25, 2011

I went to school & found out that I was the first one reaching school .
I went to locker & notice that I had nothing to bring .
So , I went downstairs to meet Syairah .
Went with her to the locker & talk bout somethings .
First lesson - D & T :D
D & T was like almost becoming my favourite subject .
First period today actually need to switch off the lights & fans .
But , Mr Chiz didn't .
Mrs Ng came in & checked whether the lights 7 fans are switch off or not .
But , Mr Chiz say we don't switch off the lights when we are using pen knifes .
And , our craft work is very awesome !
Second lesson - CME (:
CME was so - so .
We continue watching the video about the pig .
I feel like sleeping but managed to keep my eyes open .
Last lesson of the day - ENGLISH O.O
English lesson is somehow , boring .
I wanted to sleep but I kept looking at the clock .
We weren't studying at Mrs Yau's homeroom , but the fourth floor's last classroom on the left .
Lazy to climb .
Hall :D
Lower Secondary & Upper Secondary went to the hall .
I wasn't interested in Mdm Foong's talking so , I went to joke with Mikayla .
Finally it is finish . But , we , the whole Sec 2s were to stay back from the NYAA briefing . Wow , quite easy & the deadline was change again to next wednesday .
After school ^^
With my undecided decision whether to go back home anot , I decided to go Angie's house . Clarissa fell down when we were running . Poor thing .
Amy , Clarissa , Angie & me went to eat subway . I love the taste :D
Proceed to Angie's house , and slack there .
At Macritchie Resevior :B
Reach there early and it's very bored down there .
Went to run at 3.30 p.m .
At first , I thought it's very shiok since I was chionging like a mad person into the forest .
But , after that , I felt tired . I knew I can't get into the TOP 20 already .
So , I gave up . I wasted my efforts .
First attempt of Cross Country is such a Failure .
I almost got into the TOP 20 . But , I slow myself down cause I'm feeling dizzy & pain from my head because of the sun .
Hot weather + Running = Faint .
We should have run when it's cloudy because it's refreshing .
And , Thank You Amy & Clarissa for giving me a slip of water before I run again . (:
PS : Annyong !
Blogged @ 9:24 PM |

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Their songs are great & the hairstyles are CUTE ! ^^
Today , school was okay for me (:
Mother Tongue lesson , Mrs Chang didn't come so that Miss Jiang came to relieve us . No homework since teacher go through yesterday already . So we slack .
PE lesson was fun . Instead of doing 2.4 km run , we went to play handball .
Yuya damn accurate , hit the ball until Hao Jie that ' thing ' .
Then Mr Siva change the rules abit say : " Only girls can shoot . "
I was like Good !
Feel like sleeping during recess ..
Maths class , Mr Lee damn idiotic ..
His mood today is good .
The joke he say was this : When we eat right , we eat with our mouth & do big business with our butt , why don't you try to do the other way round ?
I find it disgusting .. :P
English lesson , doing Group work . Cool . Miss Lee is GREAT .
Last lesson , Science . I wanted to sleep during that lesson .
Mr Tan talk until so loud that I'm having a headache .
Finally , after school ! <3>
Waited for Amy with Syairah , Yan Ling & Angie .
Then we proceed to Angie's house . Joking , laughing & doing home econs homework .
AweSome ! Finally done one homework .
Didn't knew how to do NYAA , so we ask Mr Lee tomorrow .
Reach home late & miss my show . Too bad .
Walk half way reaching the market , my bag suddenly spoil a bit .
Suay ._. ..
LOL ..
Blogged @ 8:08 PM |

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Going out , coming home , going out & coming home .
My legs are tired & I have tons of homework to do .
But , I don't even know how to do .
I went to library just now . Borrow six books , 4 english & 2 chinese .
But , I feel like sleeping and I end up , can't sleep .
Left 2 more days to School reopen . I still hate it alot .
Holidays past so fast , but school days , past too slow .
I'm starting to miss the past group of U-Kiss with Alexander oppa & Kibum oppa inside . Such a fun group with alot of jokes .
But now , with two new members though ..
But , DongHo is still inside :D I'm happy .
Awww , I had too many idols already . Let's count since I'm bored .
1 . ShinDongHo <33
2 . LeeKiSeop :D
3 . ShinSooHyun ^^
1 . YangYoSeob <3>
2 . JunHyung :DD
1 . Nickhun <3>
2 . Taecyeon :D
1 . Ricky <33>
2 . L.Joe :D
3 . ChangJo ^^
1 . TaeMin <3>
2 . MinHo :D
3 . Key ^^
1 . Park Bom <3
2 . Minzy :D
3 . CL ^^
Miss A
1 . Suzy <3>
2 . Min :D
1 . Tiffany <3>
2 . Sunny :D
1 . Aaron <33
2 . WuZhun :D
3 . Jiro ^^
Taylor Swift & more ^^
See , I told ya . Too many to remember already . Haha . Brainwashed by books ^^ Well , guess that's all for today , byebye fellow peoples ! :D
PS : HELLO !^^
Blogged @ 5:54 PM |

Thursday, March 17, 2011
A super great day (:

Went out at 9 plus this morning to Jurong , Giant .
Took 132 , guess who I saw ?
Senior , he was tooking that bus & I pretended not to saw him .
But , too bad . I think my acting fail . He was sitting in front of me .
I look up .. LOL . Smile was the only thing that I could think of .
Went to change bus at another bus stop & took bus 52 to go Giant .
Sleeping in the bus ~
Reach there at 10 plus . Omg ~ Late .
Meeting Amy at 12.30 pm . But reach there at 1 instead .
Went to library then to Mac .
Had lunch there . I'm so dead full -.-
Went to Angie's house after that .
After what we had done there finish , we went home .
Tomorrow having training . Looking quite forward to it .
And , PLEASE don't say training is cancelled . Otherwise you will watch out for spoiling my ' looking forward ' feeling ..
Well , guess much , nothing else more to say .
Blogged @ 7:56 PM |

Monday, March 14, 2011

I went out on Saturday to catch a movie , Rango .
Quite nice lah .
Yesterday went to Suntec City with my parents .
Today , nothing happen (:
Returning school tomorrow for CCA (;
So , looking forward tomorrow :D Bye !
PS : Awww .. DongHo oppa is irresistable cute >< !
Blogged @ 4:26 PM |

Friday, March 11, 2011
Awesome Day ! :D

I ignore that idiot for the whole day .
F & C was okay , duh . Talk , talk , talk bout gym's thing .
Maths was confusing . I didn't bring my Maths Exercise book .
Phew ! Mr Lee only check Maths Textbook .. Lucky .
Recess ! Fried food makes me feel sick already . But I'm still eating it .
English lesson , Mrs Yau keep shouting . Miss Lee gave our group some advice on how to start the paragraph . Thank you :D
Mr Pillai didn't came to school . Uh , history lesson was super fun ! ^^
No common Dismissal ! Woots ^^
Mr Lee let us go off at 12.15 pm when we are suppose to go off at 12.30 pm .
But , it's okay :D !
Waited for Aqilah & Jean at the GO with Syairah .
Waited , waited , waited .
Walk through the Parade Square , back to GO , to the canteen .
Talk to Amy for awhile , then proceed to the locker .
Locker , went down to the GO again .
Slack , Slack , Slack ^^ Jean & Aqilah at GO waiting . Oops !
Went to Tp for our lunch .
Eat , crack jokes at KFC .
Walk around there for a while & took bus go back to school .
Reach school at 2.30 pm . Just nice O.O
Sit at the canteen , Jean & Aqilah talk to their friend Nicole .
I talk to her abit . She is nice ^^
On the way to locker , Wee Leong squat down & talk to his seniors .
I pat his shoulder & ask him to move one side or stand up to let my friends walk past . He look at me as if I was an idiot like that -.-" It's okay .
My mood wasn't ruin yet .
Went up the locker , take shoe bag .
Saw him again ... Zzzz . It's okay too .
Then went to change .
After changing , we went to the Parade Square & play with the others .
XinPing & I talk , talk , talk . Awesome ^^
Went to the ISH for our training .
All I can say was , Training was AWESOME ! Thank you Cindy :P
We went home as early as we could (:
Told you already that today is an Awesome Day ! :D
PS : Shin DongHo ! Saranghaeyo !
Blogged @ 9:49 PM |

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Maths Class , I don't even understand what Mr Lee was saying =.=
Literature , Miss Piak was shouting even though she say she is still sick .
Whatever ..
Got back my results today , I pass all .
I'm happy already .
Tomorrow having Volleyball , I will be looking very FORWARD to it .
PS : This U-Kiss picture is taken from Mei Zhen from FB , the new group of U-Kiss . DongHo oppa , please smile cause I know you are missing either KiBum or Alexander .
Blogged @ 9:16 PM |

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Make me loose my precious sleeping time .
Sigh ..
Don't be a double face b*t*h can ?
I won't trust you anymore .
I won't treat you as my so called good friend .
Looking at your face , making me feel like puking already .
Who do you think you are ? I don't even give a damn on you .
Just shut the freak up .
Blogged @ 8:32 PM |

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chinese teacher never come , D: no chinese lesson .
Art was seriously very fun ! I'm starting to like Art already !
It hurts alot now . I shouldn't have started to like you .
Since you want to give up now , fine .
I will also give up . I will also hate you .
That's what you want it .
Blogged @ 7:47 PM |

Monday, March 7, 2011

I realised something today too .
Today's trip wasn't was sucessful as I thought .
It sucks alot >.< !
What do you mean if you say you like me ?
I bet it doesn't mean anything right ?
What you done today , I had enough already .
You made fun of me in class , I can forget bout it .
But now , you & those stupid idiots gang together to say the same thing .
What the freak is exactly wrong with you ?
Had the wrong medication or something ?
Did you know that , the more you do something to impress me , the more I don't like you ?
It's true anyway D:
You .
Say I pajiao , think what ? You very pro is it ?!
Act clever only . Humilate me .
Is not like we want to go to you group like that . Is the teacher arrange one right ?
Brainless guy ..
For whatever reason , I wasn't even worth to that ' person ' .
I'm damn pissed off already !
I had enough ! Freakers ! >.< !
Blogged @ 7:37 PM |

Friday, March 4, 2011

Volleyball is okay today .
Coach didn't come . Instead we do digging , services & match ..
I'm not so in a mood today .
I'm so freaking tired ..
Just feel like ponning CCA ..
But I end up going in the end :S
Tomorrow going to the CIP walk .
Hope it turns out right :D
I'm looking forward to Monday .
We are going to Old ford Factory ..
Haha . Well , I guess , I might have an early night today .
Night peeps :D
PS : ShinDongHo , LeeU , ChunDong , L.Joe , Ricky , YeSun , Nickhun <3>
Blogged @ 9:13 PM |

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yesterday was E - Learning . So chiong sia . We haven't finish the first assignment , the rest assignment was coming in .
Spam .. Spam .. Spam ..
Today was so - so ..
Science was slacking time :D
Went to photocopy the science homework with Siti .
Yu Chang damn funny , ' You are fired ! '
To think that he is our boss . Rofl .
Well , gotta go to do my revision .
PS : Annyong K-poppers !
Blogged @ 3:47 PM |