Friday, September 23, 2011
Sorry , no picture for today as I'm using my god-sister's computer . Gonna get a laptop soon ^~^Exams are coming in less than one week , I will use all my time to study . Got tons of homework to do , days are getting very busy as more test are coming up . This week's test is already about 6 of them .Guess that SA2 is really a very stress thing for Secondary twos .Well , gotta go do my English homework already , Byebye ~ PS : Hey Yo DongHo , MinWoo & YoSeob ! (:
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Long time didn't blog already ~ More than a month .
School starts tomorrow , now , I'm gonna look forward to the upcoming school holidays .
Did nothing much today , probably some revision for Geography & English .
So freaking tired , not gonna look forward tomorrow (:
Nights guys O.O
PS : DONGHO ! Watch your comeback on Friday , you did AWESOME ~ !
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sorry , no picture for today as I'm using my god-sister's computer . Gonna get a laptop soon ^~^Exams are coming in less than one week , I will use all my time to study . Got tons of homework to do , days are getting very busy as more test are coming up . This week's test is already about 6 of them .Guess that SA2 is really a very stress thing for Secondary twos .Well , gotta go do my English homework already , Byebye ~ PS : Hey Yo DongHo , MinWoo & YoSeob ! (:
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Long time didn't blog already ~ More than a month .
School starts tomorrow , now , I'm gonna look forward to the upcoming school holidays .
Did nothing much today , probably some revision for Geography & English .
So freaking tired , not gonna look forward tomorrow (:
Nights guys O.O
PS : DONGHO ! Watch your comeback on Friday , you did AWESOME ~ !
Site Mistress
YuTing HeartsKpops
[[ 28 May 2010 ]]
Hey! Im
Ng Yu Ting. Born at
16th January 1997. From
Singapore and studying at
Peirce Secondary School. Im hyperactive and cheerful at all times . I love my parents as much as I love my
friends .
I might go mad if ue provoke me too much . I <3 Korea , TaiWan , Japan and New York . I love to listen to music and watch my favourite shows . I <3 my parents , love ones , gans and best friends . My favourites Korea
Kpops is UKISS & others . Favourite member is Shin DongHo , KimHyunJoong , YangYoseob & more . I love going to school because I can crack jokes and have fun with my dearest friends .
School rocks !.
And dont RACISTS people in my
dearest blog. Cause I dont like it .<3
1 . Have perfect peace in class .
2 . No quarreling .
3 . Go Korea .
4 . To see UKISS , KimHyunJoong & KPOP groups (:
Loves & Hates
♥ Gans
♥ Friends
♥ UKISS , SS501 & MORE
♥ Music , Reading
X Quarreling
X Betrayers
X Liars .