Saturday, January 21, 2012
It's raining heavily now . Hope it stops soon .
School was okay last week ~ !
Next Saturday is Angie's birthday (:
Tomorrow going overseas at night .
I think I have fallen all over again for U-Kiss & Boyfriend .
I was watching My Story & W Academy . They were funny & nice .
Wow , the thunder was super loud .
Gonna do Holiday homework later ~~
Using my sister's computer to blog is quite okay .
But I didn't really dare to download any of the pictures in case she scold me .
Well , I don't even know what to do now .
I'm having a headache , like seriously & nothing else (?)
Gonna listen to some KPOP music like yeah .
I'm kind of excited for CNY because I wanna wear my new clothes .
I can't seem to wait now .
Well , gotta go now ~
Is it just me or are you the one who have change ?
I wanna be back to who we are , I don't like what we are doing today .
If i can rewind the time back , I'll do it .
Blogged @ 5:16 PM |

Monday, January 16, 2012
An age older by this midnight already ~~
Thank you Amy for your present ! I love it babe :D !
Thank you Hui Lin for your gift too ! ^^
Syairah , Yan Ling , Angie , Clarissa & some other peeps who wishes me Happy Birthday , Thank you very much ! (:
I also wanna Thank my volleyball friends , seniors as well as the Sec twos !
Thanks for singing along the birthday song ~~
I was touched by that , a little tears came out from both my eyes . Hehehe !
I love you guys ! :D
School & training was GREAT today !
I was totally hyper & thank god , I didn't feel sleepy during English lesson which i usually would do .
House Practice tomorrow , AWESOME :D !
Chinese New Year is round the corner , going overseas to celebrate this Sunday . Can't even know whether I'll be back on time or not .
Gosh , I'm feeling sleepy already , shall bear with it to wait for my sisters to come back & blow the cake candles with me ! YAY ! :D
Sorry , hyperness is still staying there . Can't help it . Teehee !
Well , that's all for today ! Ohh , btw , tomorrow is KiSeop's birthday :D ! Gonna stay happy tomorrow too :D !
Buhbye !
Blogged @ 9:18 PM |

Friday, January 13, 2012
HELLO ! Didn't update my blog since a long time ! :P Mianhe ~~
I'm down with Flu now & had Fever on Wednesday .
Struggle to school when I saw my temperature went down but still , once i get home & after tuition , I'm having fever again .
Just went to see doctor just now . Not much problems just had to eat pills .
Great ! I wanna get well before my Birthday , 16 / 01 , This coming Monday .
Volleyball training on my Birthday . Ooops , can't really skip man !
Tomorrow having Sec 1 CCA Orientation , or whatever you call it .
Gonna meet Syairah they all at AMK Hub before going together .
Well , gonna rest for now . Will update soon .
Blogged @ 9:58 PM |

Friday, January 6, 2012
Hello guys ! Didn't update my blog already .
My computer was off to repair so , no pictures to post :P
School was terribly tired this whole week .
It seemed to me that , for every lesson that I'm doing , or paying attention , I seemed to fall asleep .
I'm only very awake during Recess or any other break .
I'm starting to love Chemistry & a little of Physics , I don't know why !
Chinese lesson was AWESOME :D ! I love the teacher ~~
Geography , I'm really scared of flunking it . I asked Mr Liew whether it's hard or not , he said in his opinion , is actually not much difference . Like wtf am i suppose to know ..
Pure History is BEST !! Mr Pillai is the teacher :D ! Teehee ^^
Well , just to update my blog to keep it alive .
That's all for now , i might not on computer very much .
Byebye ! :D
Blogged @ 8:39 PM |