Thursday, April 12, 2012
Things aren't easy for me this week . Having mood swings since the start of
the week already . I don't feel super happy & nor super well . I flunk my mother tongue . I almost cried on the spot . I'm super disappointed . Mother Tongue was one of my strongest subjects & I FAIL it ?! I can't believe it .
Guess that , I'm gonna try harder again . Math test today was super fail to the much can . Totally went blank when I saw the questions . I just hope I'll pass & not fail again like last time . Physics test was kind of okay . At least it's not so stressful for studying Physics anymore . Receive more than one bad news over one week & also on consecutive days too . Sooner or later , I'm gonna break down & cry as much as possible . Friendship stuff now a days are still quite well . Crush ?! I don't know & I've no mood to talk about it . Talking about it sure make me feel retarded & stupid all again . As much as I hate to admit , i'm feeling as though my heart are shattered once again . I totally hate this feeling . I know this ain't me & I'm trying to keep my cheerfulness & normal face to my babes & friends . Even though I'm trying to regain myself back , I'm struggling a lot now . Of course , things weren't the same anymore . Friends in different classes but that's not gonna change the friendship between my friends & I .
So yeah . History test tomorrow , I'll just study & then tomorrow morning study again .
Blogged @ 8:33 PM |