Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Holidays are here already , isn't it ?
Days passes quickly if we did not realised it .
Angie going for Bali in less than 1 day already .
Amy & Syairah going China too , well , i'll , of course , miss them .
Went out with Cheryl , Elena & HanMin yesterday for Math topics .
What can I say ? They are funny & is not that bad after all .
I thought i've nothing to do during June Holidays , apart from watching Music Videos of KPOP groups .
And here I am , watching drama , Shut Up! Flower Boy Band as well as Holyland.
Variety shows of Infinite Ranking King too(:
Hope B2ST & BOYFRIEND will have their comeback soon & BTOB to have their variety show too .
Really wanna see them again & laugh at their funny moments :D !
Going Indonesia in about 5 days & I have yet to pack anything .
Lazy , wanna rest more without worrying for my studies but there are still Holiday homework .
Well , what can I even expect no homework from the school man .
Shall cut off this kind of things already .
Buhbye guys . Will update as soon as possible(:
Blogged @ 5:38 PM |

Saturday, May 26, 2012
Last week of school didn't went much smoothly as I suppose to .
Camp was quite fun & to my surprise , I like the cheer that the instructors did .
It all went awesome .
3E1 girls have somehow bonded during the camp at night in our dorms .
All of us spent the night talking instead of sleeping early .
The dorm was rather hot at night too .
All of this pass quickly when we were enjoying ourselves .
Took picture with Han Min , Cassandra , Cheryl , YikMing as well as Elena in the morning on the last day .
I also have a heart to heart talk with my babes at night outside our dorm .
Enough of saying about camp already .
Well , getting report book back was the last thing on my mind .
Results totally sucks actually . But it is counted as not bad already .
I shall do my very best next semester for now .
I'm proud to be a KissMe .
Watching HolyLand & DongHo is inside .
He looks cute(:
Haven't really finish the whole chapter one yet , but i think i can finish by tomorrow .
So yeah , shall stop blogging here for now & get ready to go out .
Buhbye peeps(:
Blogged @ 12:49 PM |

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Apparently , this isn't a lucky month for me .
Things are getting quite chaotic for me already .
I just can't see what's the reason of me having this kind of feeling in every start of the year for 5 months .
In fact , I'm feeling that I'm a person who is getting worst & worst .
SA1 results is much more better than my CA1 , which for , I'm relieved .
Other things , I'm super confused .
What happen to us like last two years ?
For sure now , I wanna go overseas now .
Not in camp mood anymore .
Hope everything will turn normal after June Holidays .
Then , I don't need to worry about anything already .
Blogged @ 5:44 PM |

Sunday, May 13, 2012
Hey peoples !(:
It's Monday tomorrow , yeah ?
It's fast & we're like getting our Mid - Year Results back .
I hope I could pass all of it .
I'm worried , I'm scared & I'm nervous .
Well , it has been a totally slacking break day for me from Friday til now .
I miss the exams period where I'm studying very hard & also concentrate on my work without thinking about anything else .
I would totally prefer that , actually .
On the other hand , I would also prefer to slack for one or two hours during studying ? So that it won't be too stress , right ?
I'm currently bored while waiting for Absolute Boyfriend to be shown on TV .
I have also been fan - girling this past few days over U-Kiss , B2ST , BOYFRIEND , INFINITE , B1A4 , BTOB & even TVXQ .
My KPOP spirit is kinda back now & I had to admit that I miss it .
Holidays are coming soon , which means , Secondary Three Camp is also nearing and if I'm not wrong , it's just about two more weeks away (?!)
I'm not literally excited for that and I'm wondering how the class would be during the camp . So yeah .
Totally miss hanging out with my babes & my primary school babes ! <3
Hope I could meet up with them soon !
Everyone are busy with their CCA & studies during their Holidays(:
I wish I could have some hardworking "talent" from them too .
I felt so happy that I wasn't thinking about any thing , just KPOP , novels & also results .
Well , hope everything will turn out right tomorrow(:
Good Luck guys for the results tomorrow !
I'm gonna go now , the show is starting . PYONG ! BUHBYE :D !
Blogged @ 9:11 PM |

Thursday, May 10, 2012
Well , exams have just over & I'm perfectly still alive .
Not gonna put any high hopes on my results .
CCA resumes just next Monday , the routine of going home late is back again .
I want holidays to be here , although I had to admit that , after mid year exams , I finally had a feeling of being hardworking in studying .
Shall read all my books finish before June holidays then .
Currently watching Chanel 8 since nothing much to do .
So yeah , shall rest for now , goodnight people !
Blogged @ 9:46 PM |