Tuesday, November 12, 2013
It's been such a long time since I have posted here . Around 11 months already ? Roughly there (:
Just ended Os yesterday & it started quite smoothly and ended smoothly too . Things change , people change . I have also change to the bad side ? I am not the old cheerful me anymore . Maybe it's just me , but I get annoyed easily these days and my heart actually feels confused & even suffocating with things that I don't wish to know . As the years go by , I am growing up & I ought to take things in hands just like an adult instead of using other kiddy ways to solve it .
The environment around me as well as those who are close to me , are changing . Life is always about changing right ? Let's keep this sensitivities aside & throw them away . I shall change myself to a better person after Os . A more considerate and caring person instead of one who always uses anger and shows an angry face to people .
I feel lazy posting , but then , I couldn't bear to see my blog being dead now . A lot of things have been happening this year , be it on studies , school or private , they have eventually taught me a lot of things & I chose to accept them . I prefer things to stay just like that until the day I would chose to let go instead of holding them , including him . I would let go of him & carry on with my own .
Speaking about after Os , well ... I haven't really have a lot of dramas to watch actually I just realized . It's okay :D , I shall head to Youtube to watch videos then . Shall post when I feel like . Bye peeps (:
PS : Sorry for all the things I've done to you . Now we are talking again but then I chose to show you my bitchiest side of me in front of you . I'm sorry for all the things and sacarsm I had said to you . Sorry for not being inconsiderate or even neglecting your feelings cause I forgotten . Maybe my pride was bigger than all these stuff . If there was another chance again , I would change myself to let you see .
Blogged @ 1:40 PM |