Sunday, March 9, 2014
Yeah , I am back finally after a few months .
It's been awhile since I had posted here because I've been reluctant to on my precious computer .
Lots of things are happening around me , I cannot express them now . It seems hard to juggled through them or even to maintain it . Everything I do wasn't as well as it was being planned , and it sucks . I don't feel excited for this year to come , really . I don't .
I totally see no point for 2014 except with a goal to work harder in Polytechnic . I feel so burdened , oh wait , maybe not burdened but suffocated with lots of stuffs going through me . I'm glad that some things I can see good changes but there are some are not .
And until now , I am still having my holiday even I had submitted my enrolment . I think I need a break away from Singapore , even if it's three days , I don't really mind at all . I don't feel peace , I don't feel happiness , I don't feel anything except for being SUFFOCATED . Yes I feel happy when I am with my besties , my families and my relatives . But the point is , the weather is too suffocating for me to always stay here .
I'm here sighing , wondering what will happen after I start my Poly life . I wonder will anything change or will anything remains the same . I sometimes can't be bothered about it because every year there will be one person who will change , including me I guess . Okay , enough with these stupid emotions that are burning inside me . -.-
I'm glad to leave Secondary School but nnot glad to enter a new school life as I'm not prepared yet . It will requires more challenging stuffs and so , I shall start preparing now . Hwaiting ! (:
PS: I'm sorry for hurting you , sorry for the things I've irritated you / annoyed you / angered you / disliked by you . I will try my best to change my attitude . Please god , give me a chance . I will change my attitude towards him by not being such a bitch & even being so sacarstic anymore . It hurts me more after I've done it . Please give me chance to change into a female who doesn't feel offend easily , doesn't get angry easily . please give me another chance . I'm really sorry T.T
Blogged @ 5:40 PM |